
Wednesday, March 5, 2008

R's Reuben

I'm noticing that my mother is taking this food blogging as an opportunity to do a bit of playful jabbing at her daughter. Never one to stand for injustices, I've decided to choose the latter of "if you can't beat them, join them".

I may be a fussy eater, but my mother cannot deny that I am a good kid (at least as far as she knows). I'm not the one who would pour cement on her neighbour's garden and then sing "Ruben, Ruben, I've been thinking...what the hell have you been drinking. Tastes like whiskey, smells like wine. Oh my god it's turpentine" (cough*Giz*cough).

In fact, I'm known for being, as my brother affectionately refers to me, the gift from god.

But, I digress...My original intention, which reminds me of my mother's little ditty, was to blog about R's Reuben.

This time, I'm going to try something a little different. A video log (vlog) of R's dish. The video is not great. But, I'm just learning.

R's Reuben

R has class two nights a week and works full time. So, we're often looking for quick meal options. R's reuben, although relatively conservative, makes for a great quick dinner.

The sandwich is made from rye bread, corned beef, margarine, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and thousand island dressing.

I won't post ingredient proportions.


  1. Just for the record..the pouring of cement was one incident and the singing was a second - two separate neighbours - two separate punishments.. a lifetime ago.

  2. Those looks good! Reuben sandwiches are one of my favorites.

  3. Giz you're a rebel! haha

    Great first attempt at a food video; I'd like to give it a go (maybe a year from now!)

    I've not had a reuben sandwich in years!!!!! Looks so good.

  4. Okay, what did the neighbor do to warrant the cement treatment and the karaoke session?

    I luv me a Reuben...I'll be near Shopsy's next week.

  5. Peter - if I tell you I'd have to shoot you :)

  6. When I was growing up, every Passover we would drive 2 hours to the nearest store that sold "kosher for passover food" (yeah, our town was so small, the grocery store didn't even have matzah. We always ended the trip with a visit to Katz's delicatessen. Anytime I see a Reuben sandwich I'm reminded of those trips

  7. That was funny int in the video- "Are you taping this? No." lol.

  8. pixie - I only have a camera on my digital camera - so it's kind of crappy. But, I've figured out how to add music.

    Peter - I'd take her seriously...the other part of her childhood stories include a bb gun and the neighbour's car windows.

    kate - yeah...something about the corned beef and swiss cheese. Jews love food that isn't kosher. Need more bacon!

    jessy - he knew I was lieing...that's why he started to take off his pants. :)

  9. I adore Rueben sandwiches and absolutely hate it when I order one and it shows up open-faced with a ton of cheese on top. Blasphemy! These look like the real thing!

  10. I think I would actually beat someone down for a reuben right now. And I'm not even kidding about that. :O I can't get corned beef here...I wonder if you can make it from scratch?

  11. i LOVE reubans! *Clicks away to go find food.
