
Monday, December 29, 2008

Hannukah Dinner on Christmas

R and I keep saying that we should tell our respective families that we are going to the other side of the family's place for the holidays and then take off to somewhere warm instead. Since I'm a terrible liar, the closest I could get was visiting Giz for a few days and then going to the Dominican for a week (flight departs in just under 6 hours - woohoo!).

Here's the dinner we had on Christmas. I'm still not sure whether this is a Christmas dinner or Hannukah dinner.

Maybe neither or a bit of both, mainly directed by a desire to share in the holiday festivities. This year, my uncle hosted.

Dinner was a joint effort. Auntie Takeout offered to "make" the shrimp ring. Giz brought an entire laundry basket worth of food. R and I...we were exempt, given that we spent the better part of the day travelling. Actorboy (my brother) played the part of starving actor. Baba was in charge of the latkes.

Despite earlier calls to Giz asking how long a turkey should be cooked after the turkey had been in the oven for the morning, my uncle's turkey was pretty good:

As is tradition, too much food was served. This almond crusted talapia was a likely culprite:

Perhaps the most important part of the meal was the latkes. There is quite a bit of variation in the composition, texture and flavour of latkes. My baba always blends the latkes to a mush-like texture.

First, she peels and cleans the potatoes:

Next, she cuts up the potatoes into smaller chunks:

This allows for greater ease of blending the potatoes. Then she adds onion, egg, flour, salt and pepper.

and the frying

drinks all around - this is always uncle's specialty.

and the carrot ring with broccoli

nobody is going hungry, that's for sure;

and yet another version of Giz's heavenly salad;

Here is evidence of Giz's insanity:

After dinner, we played a game. Baba was so funny playing, I had to film some of it. Without going into too many details, at this point in the game, each player was supposed to use one word as a hint to the group about a name written down on a piece of paper. Baba didn't like this rule, so she just made the game whatever she wanted. We all agreed because with her English language skills, she was likely to quit if the game was too difficult.

Sorry for the shaky camera work. I could hardly breathe I was laughing so hard.


  1. Well, Merry Hanukah and Happy Christmas to all of you! Your table setting looks beautiful and I enjoyed being invited in and meeting the family, especially Baba. I, too, posted Christmas traditions and 2 funny videos if you get a chance to come over and visit.

  2. Oh it looks like you had a great holiday! Have a fabulous trip.

  3. The table is gorgeous and allllll the food looks fabulous! Happy Hannukah! :)

  4. Happy Hannukah! I adore latkes, could eat them more than I should :)

    The carrot/broccoli looks intriguing, did you post a recipe for this ?

    What a wonderful day you had, winter festivals with family are the best. I won't even mention how jealous I am that you are going somewhere warm :)

  5. What an amazing and delicious looking spread! Here's wishing you a Happy Hannukah!

  6. It starts with an "F" guys. Fun-filled day, fantastic food, frivolity and a little Frank Sinatra thrown in too. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Enjoy the warm climate in the Dominican..I am so jeolous!!!!

  7. Happy Hannukah to you and your family!

    Dinner look fabulous, and the table look gorgeous and inviting, especially when you have family to share with.

  8. It seems that you had a great Hanukah and Christmas. Is that Giz giggling? Everything looks Fabulous. There's my F word.

  9. That's Psychgrad in uncontrollable laughter. It's fun to watch 3 generations all having fun.

  10. It's funny to see how different latkes can be! Your baba's are how Thatboy likes them. I'm a grated potato girl myself.

  11. What a great time you had--and such food! You definitely honored both traditions amply. You bube is adorable! :)

  12. Your Holiday dinner looks incredible! I love the look of everything, especially latkes-yum! Happy Holidays Giz! :)

  13. Your dinner looks wonderful, I really liked the looks of that salad! And the video was priceless!

  14. All of the food looks absolutely delicious! Happy Hannukah to your family!

  15. Such good looking food!


  16. Happy All Holidays to you and I am completely intrigued with the carrot ring...what is that?

    I love Baba too!

  17. I may have to post that carrot ring - hmm...It's very similar to a carrot kugel - maybe a little cakier and looks pretty with peas or broccoli in the centre.

  18. darn right, no one's going hungry! and yes, please do share the carrot ring recipe--i'm definitely intrigued!

  19. Whatever holiday it's for, it looks wonderful! Happy Hannukah! You're right to take off...I hope you're having a good vacation.

  20. It all looks fabulous!
    Best wishes for New Year to you all!!

  21. Auntie Takeout offered to "make" the shrimp ring.

    Of course. Heheh.

    Looks like a great time. My mom makes the latkes just like your Baba. And while I could eat a whole plate, it just occurred to me that the fine blending is probably why Steve has never liked them. I want to try the shredded method a la Deb at smitten kitchen and see if maybe he'll eat them that way. Cause I miss them sooooo baaaad.

    I love the video. All the laughter made me grin like an idiot.

  22. Happy Hannukah to you and your family! What a delicious looking spread :)

  23. That looks like an amazing family feast!

    Happy new year!

  24. Thanks for sharing your feast with us - it looks amazing. Happy New Year!!
