
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Fruit Compote

I'm not sure why I feel like I'm doing my body a good deed if I eat compote. Maybe everything my mother drilled into my head as a child is speaking to me. Maybe I just had alot of left over dried fruit after the holidays and decided to try and empty out the cupboards a little. This compote is such an easy and efficient way of doing just that.


2 fresh pears (peeled and cut in sixths
2 fresh apples (peeled and diced)
Whatever dried fruit you have - I used prunes, cranberries and apricots
1/4 cup brandy


1. Cover dry fruit with water or apple juice to reconstitute. Let sit for about one hour.
2. Put fruit and juice into medium size pot, bring to a boil and turn down to simmer. Add 1 cup water and a splash of brandy. Let simmer for about 20 minutes.
3. Add fresh pear slices and diced apple and continue to simmer until apple begins to soften. A splash of lemon juice - you're good to go.

This compote really makes either a wonderful breakfast or dessert dish. The best part of it is the ease in putting it together.


  1. I love eating dessert like this, bad news is I always have it with a scoop of ice cream. I guess its not as healthy as it suppose to be. Oh well.

  2. This looks really good after all the stodge from the last couple of weeks.
    Happy New Year to you all!!

  3. Nic - stodge is such a good word - I couldn't think of a good word to use but you said it all.

  4. Mmmm, compota de frutas... this is something I should learn to do! First time I heard about the word Compote was in an English/American movie. It sounds as exotic as Pankenque ;D

    Happy New Year Girls!!!

  5. Yes, with some whipped cream!!! I have a lot of left over dried fruit in my pantry, this sounds like a good idea to use them.

  6. Like Elra, I want mine with ice cream and nuts...oh well!

  7. It's the dried fruit. It has that "I'm oh so healthy" vibe.

  8. Yeah you gotta have it over ice cream!

  9. I love compote...with apples, pears, prunes, dried fruit, whatever. It's good as a garnish to chicken or pork. It's good for breakfast with oatmeal or yogurt. It's good for dessert over ice cream. I also add toasted walnuts once it's done just to be totally decadent.

  10. I like the sound of a compote like this. I will have to try one.

  11. Sounds perfect. Maybe a little dollop of cold vanilla yogurt on top of the warm fruit...much better for you than the 5-min chocolate cake I was just drooling over.

  12. What a great idea, leave out the brandy and I would love this for breakfast :)

  13. Anything with fruit is always good for you! I too will normally have a fruit compote with cream, ice-cream or cake or chocolate... you get the idea!

  14. using up leftover dried fruit + booze = happy grace. so versatile, easy, and delicious, giz--nicely done!

  15. ...or maybe it's the brandy! (kidding) haha
    Do our mother's voices ever leave our heads? I hope not because mine is funny :)

  16. Ah yes, the addition of booze here would even make a Mormon have this treat!

  17. Anything with a touch of brandy is delicious!

  18. This compote reminds me of summer. There are only 2 more months of winter and then we are home free...they are golfing in Victoria afterall and will soon be counting their daffodils!!

  19. I'm trying to detox from all the cookies from the holidays, this will still satisfy my sweet tooth and give my groaning hips a break.

  20. Simple! And it sounds delicious!
