
Monday, May 18, 2009

Wedding Update

With less than a month away, I'm trying to iron out many of the details for the wedding. Yesterday, we went and did a tasting of some menu options. Poor R had to remind me that I should be excited about the wedding because it's the first day of a marriage and not because of the food.

Here are the dishes we sampled - 2 salads, 2 mains and 2 desserts. In the end, I think the dishes we have at our wedding will be from another menu. But, I'm confident that any option will be good.

Both salads were good. The first one was a pear and candied walnut salad. Overall, the salad was pretty plain, but the candied walnuts were delicious. Unfortunately, one of our guests is deathly allergic to nuts - so that won't work.

The second salad has a nicer plating and a more flavourful dressing. I would have liked more cranberries in the salad. But, it's good none the less.

To taste, we tried a beef and chicken dish. Because I so rarely eat it at home, I'll order steak at a restaurant. This one was...just ok. Not bad, just not a tonne of flavour. The dollop of garlic butter on top didn't do much for the steak.

Surprisingly, the chicken was much more flavourful (I expected more of the steak than the chicken). The tomato coulis was a nice complement to the chicken.

The desserts were dangerous. Having stayed away from sweets lately, I was on a sugar high. Creme Brulee was good. The cream was so delicious, I had to hold back from hogging the whole thing.

The flourless cake was quite rich, as flourless cakes tend to be. I think with the cupcakes we're making, it might be an overload. But with the strawberry pairing, I wasn't complaining.

Saturday was a day full of shopping for everything I need to take to the seamstress tomorrow. I'm not much of a shopper, so any way I could get out of going to multiple malls to buy a pair of shoes was highly appealing to me. I ended up going with these shoes. They're not something I would typically wear -- but I think they're cute, will go with the dress and will be good to pair with a number of different outfits post-wedding.

The shawl is coming along. I'm now more than half way done. But I really need to pick up the pace. (Note: The shawl looks crappy at the moment - but will get better after blocking)

Speaking of which...back to the shawl.


  1. no one said getting married was going to be easy...LOL

  2. OMG, I remember how stress I was when my wedding day was getting closer. It was even harder because I don't have my family to help me back then. Good luck my dear! You are doing so well so far.

    The shawl is very cute, I love the color. I had to double click the photo to be able to see the detail. It is really really going to be a nice shawl.

  3. The food looks great but that shawl is gorgeous!

  4. looks like everything is coming together! J and I booked our venue for our 2010 wedding, and lets not's all about the food.

  5. I love broccoli and I love both those desserts.
    Can I come? ;-)
    Wedding prep reminds me of the saying, “The devil is in the details.”
    Lovely shoes!

  6. Thanks for the update, the second salad looks good to me :)

  7. The count down is on! The food looks delicious, it is so fun to try the different meals. Good luck!

  8. time flies when you're having fun, or so i hear. clearly, the part i look forward to most in my wedding planning is the meal/cake tasting. that, and creating the registry. :)

  9. It gets more and more exciting as time moves on. I know you will be happy with all of your choices.

  10. This is all so exciting...I think I'd like to be a wedding planner. I love the way the sliced the "whole pear" for the salad...great presentation...too bad about the walnuts, though. Great shoes...and yes, the shawl is looking lovely :)

  11. Finding the right shoes was the hardest thing for me with getting ready for our wedding. You are so lucky to find yours so quickly

  12. I'm sure whatever food you choose will be wonderful... for a wonder day :)

  13. I can't believe it's next month already! Giz better take tons of pictures for us anxious readers.

    And the shawl doesn't look crappy at all - it looks great!

  14. It's getting so close. :D

    I'm not much on shopping either, but I think those shoes are great. Can't wait to hear about everything once it's done.

  15. I love your fiances reasoning about being excited cuz the wedding is the first day of your marriage but my wedding day was all about the wedding...and the cake :) And the cute appetizers that were served (which we were too busy to get). We do remember vividly the fries, grilled cheese sandwich and Mac and Cheese we ordered when we got to the hotel that night!

  16. All those decisions!! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it, a month is going t fly by!

  17. Congrats on the upcoming wedding! See, you get to eat great food AND get married. What a combo :)

    I'm surprised at the steak dish too. It's always kinda sad when beef from a restaurant lets us a bit down. It's all good though. I bet people want to hold out for the dessert and cake.

    Enjoy your shopping :)

  18. Wow, a month! Good luck with the rest of your planning, and there is nothing wrong with food being one of the things to look forward to most at your wedding. :) It is a celebration after all and food plays a huge part!

  19. How exciting and how quickly time flies by!

  20. Nice set of dishes...and good luck! The shawl looks very nice.

  21. I love your wedding updates!
    Really cute shoes!

  22. Everything looked delicious. Love they way they sliced the pears for the salad. Cute shoes! :)
