
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Final Lap

I arrived in Psychgrad's city on Saturday evening. What started out as a 4 hour drive turned into an 8 hour drive. I went to pick up Actor Boy (Psychgrad's brother) and couldn't figure out why all the streets in downtown Toronto were blocked off. I learned that it was Portugal Day and everything was shut down for what I'm sure was the longest parade in the history of man. Actor Boy, suitcase in tow made his way by foot to find me and off we went...or so we thought. Getting to the main highway artery turned out to be a challenge. It took us from noon until 3 p.m. to actually see the highway. we went until... leadfoot Giz was stopped for speeding and was lucky with zero tolerance laws to escape with only a ticket. The alternative would have been losing both my car and license. OK, lesson learned...move on.

Sunday began the marathon. We knew we planned to make the bride and groom cookies. We also knew we were planning to put them inside gift baskets for out of town guests. What we didn't plan on was "R"'s office throwing a surprise potluck and inviting Psychrad to be there as part of the surprise. Ok, so we'll make more cookies. And more cookies for Psychgrad's workplace, and more cookies for her language education class and maybe just have them at the wedding for people to take home.

R's potluck and cake

And the baskets are being prepared

Sorry for such a short post - starting the mini banana breads for breakfast treats in the baskets.

R's been taking alot of pictures of dirty dishes and threatening to post them. We should let him :)


  1. whoooo -hoooo final laps are fun - I should jump in right about now and act like I have been running all along...

  2. Those cookies are great!! Adorable. So exciting!

  3. Oh, this is so exciting! Can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures. The cookies look great!

  4. It's crunch time Giz! I have butterflies for you! The cookies are adorable! The baskets are amazing! And the cake with the strawberries on it is mine!

  5. Ohhhhhhh! Delicius.
    The cookies is adorable...
    and de cake ummmmmmmmmmmm!

  6. I can only imagine the frenzied preparations going on, soon everyone will be able to take a deep breath and relax.

    Love the baskets!

    Enjoy your big day Psychgrad. Hugs to all....

  7. I'm excited about the upcoming stories too... there's going to be a bunch of them ;)

    And good thing the ticket was only minor. You really have to be careful these days. You must have used your eyelashes well :)

  8. Very exciting! The cookies look wonderful!

  9. Cute, cute cookies!! So exciting. Congrats & have fun!!

  10. it's always nice to see that finish line!! everything looks lovely so far--keep on running! :)

  11. Such a rush of work & activities. Those cookies turned out super cute

  12. The cookies look so good! It must be so exciting!!

  13. The cookies are awesome and sorry to hear about the ticken. You do tell a funny story though ;-)

  14. The cookies look great - sounds like there were some unexpected curveballs, but nothing worthwhile comes easy.

  15. Nice looking cookies! The cake look great as well. Congratulations and enjoy!

  16. Ooooooh the cake looks amazing and those cookies to die for!! keep on running! :D

  17. Hope y'all have a fantastic time before , during and after the wedding and hope that the bride and groom have many, many happy years together.
    Giz, slow down. Enjoy. Breathe. :)
    The cookies are too cute...and optional.

  18. You both survived and it's official Mr. & Mrs. EOK!!!Congratulations on pulling together a memorable down and 1 to go:D
