
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

View and Review

Food bloggers have for the past couple of years been an ongoing top quality source of meals. There's been so much written about the average family that basically has a repetoire of approximately 10 dishes that get done and redone to death. I guess they haven't all discovered our network.

Ruth of Once Upon a Feast , Val of More Than Burnt Toast and I put our heads together and decided to create a place where we all can see and sample some of the newest and best on the market. No small job considering that food bloggers are international. It'll be a work in progress but we've now gained enough support that it makes sense to go full steam ahead.

Coupled with the work we do for BloggerAid...Changing the Face of Famine (, you're invited to join and participate in View and Review.

View and Review

Partnered with cookbook publishers and a variety of food purveyers, this is an opportunity for you to participate in book and product reviews. What does this mean?

Members who choose to participate will sign up in the forum under “View and Review” Please let us know if you’d like to participate and we’ll add you to our list of reviewers (see Rules of Engagement), which will be visible to all members of the group so you’ll know when your turn is coming up. You will be set up to receive a copy of a cookbook or a product to review, create a recipe from and submit your review. The list will be visible to all members of the group so you’ll know when your turn is coming up.

Rules of Engagement

1. You must be a member of BloggerAid…Changing the Face of Famine to participate. You can join here . If you have friends who would like to participate, by all means, invite them to join. When you join the forum, please let us know if you have preferences or restrictions. For example, if you’re a vegan, we will arrange for you to receive only vegan books or products for review.
2. You’ll receive a copy of a new cookbook from the publisher. Within a timeframe (to be determined), turn in your review to the forum together with a copy of the picture of the dish you’ve prepared. Post both the review and the picture on your own blog with a link to BACFF.
3. You may choose to either keep the cookbook or donate it to BACFF for auction. You’re under no pressure – foodies love their cookbooks so we’re fine if you decide to keep it.
4. If you're a cookbook author and would like to have your book reviewed, please contact us at blogs4famine(at)gmail(dot)com.

Publishers have notified us that the frequency of the cookbooks can be irregular and we can expect to see some action happening before the fall. We may get 1 book a month – we may get 15 – we’re uncertain at this point. Our partners are excited to participate with us – it’s a win/win for everyone.

We have approached many publishers internationally and although not every country is covered, we’re working behind the scene to make sure that if you’re in Brazil that there will be books available in your country of origin. Some countries may be covered by another country. For example, if you’re in Indonesia, books could be available from Australia.

Today, we secured the support of Loblaws in Canada. If you've been following our blog you'll remember that Loblaws is probably the largest grocery chain in the country so Canadians... get on board.

We could call Read and Review an event, but really, it's an ongoing relationship that we will continue to nurture and make time line.


  1. I'm pretty interested in this whole review thing. I think it's a nice way to try something new, and help out some of the smaller publishers. I'm not sure if I have enough free time to be totally commited, but I'm willing to try :)

  2. Oooh, if it's possible to do it from France, I'm in! Sounds like a wonderful idea and a great way to discover new recipes and cookbooks. Do I sign up on the bloggeraid website, or is here good?

  3. Reallky I love this idea Im inside!! xxGloria
