
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Georgia Peach Upside Down Cake

Can I just say how much I don't like multiple offer situations?

Yesterday, we entered into our first bidding war and lost. We weren't outbidded...we were outkidded. After waiting outside of the seller's house for what seemed like FOREVER, it came down to us and another couple. Our bids were exactly the same and the sellers were going to just make their decision. I knew at that point that we had lost. The other buyers had two kids with them, the same age as the sellers' kids. I quickly looked around for things I could shove under my shirt to make a case for being pregnant with triplets (the only thing that may have helped at that point).

So...the search continues. I'm not sure what's more disappointing -- losing a house I really liked or having to continue searching for a new home.


On to something happier...Random Acts of Kindness!

Watch the video below to see how I picked the 3 recipients of random acts of kindness!


Princess of the Universe

Kelly Blechertas

I'll get in touch with you guys to get your addresses!


Now - for some food.

I think I have a "thing" for upside down cakes. You can check out the Strawberry & Blueberry Upside Down Cake I posted here and the Upside Down Apple Cake I posted here. There's something so satisfying about not knowing what your dish will look like, but then seeing a beautiful creation after flipping it over. There's risk, intrigue and reward.

This time, I made a Peach Upside Down Cake. Being that this is peach season, this is a great time to make this pie. But, I actually used the peaches I froze last summer, thinking that I should start cleaning out my freezer in case I ever manage to find a house.

I'll admit, I didn't really read the recipe in full when I first started making it. So, I was surprised to see that the cake is made in a pan. Thankfully, the pan I was using for the first step of the recipe was the right size and could go in the oven.

Georgia Peach Upside Down Cake
CD Kitchen

2 pounds peaches
13 tablespoons of butter (divided)
1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 1/4 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cup sour cream


Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Peel and halve peaches.

Cook brown sugar in 5 tablespoons butter in 10 inch ovenproof frying pan until dissolved. Off the heat, arrange peach halves, cut sides up, in pan.

Combine flour, baking soda, salt and spices. Beat 8 tablespoons butter with granulated sugar. Beat in egg and vanilla. Stir in flour mixture by thirds, alternating with sour cream.

Spread over peaches and bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, 50-55 minutes.

A person that had reviewed the cake recipe said, "the cake will get quite brown before it is ready, but if you pull it before the toothpick comes out clean you'll end up with a gooey cake in the middle. Let it sit 10 min before you flip it out on to a serving dish, and be careful with that step, maybe use a dish with a high lip to catch the brown sugar/peach juices so they go into the cake and not all over your kitchen counter and floor. I had some mopping to do as part of the clean up".

I thought this was good advice. My oven is fast, so I set my timer for 45 minutes and it was ready, but quite dark around the bottom edges.

Verdict: R quite likes this cake and has been taking a slice for lunch every day. Personally, I find it to be denser than I would like. The two previous upside down cakes were lighter and I prefered them. But, I was quite impressed with how well the cake stuck together using the frying pan cooking method (not sure if there's a more technical name for that). I also like the flavour of the cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg in the cake.


  1. Woohoo! I'm curious to see what will come my way and I'm excited to pass it forward on my blog! Thanks! :)

    Sorry for the crummy turnout of the bidding war! :( But I must admit you made me laugh when you said you were looking for something to stuff your shirt with... lol!

    PS: Cake looks yummy! I'm scared the whole thing would just stay stuck to the bottom of the pan...

  2. You sneaky little devil - I had no idea why you wanted me to pick 3 numbers. Congratulations to the winners and when you get your new car...oops...that was a reality show.

  3. I love upside down cakes too! I've never made one though because I'm worried about ending up with mush and not a cake. I think it looks really good and how it's all peaches on top.. not a few pieces here and there. Good luck with the house hunting.

  4. Its hard to believe there can still be multiple people trying to get a house. I look at all the houses around here that are for sale. Even when we bought two years ago we had our choice of 30 houses.

  5. gorgeous! now that i think about it, i've never seen peaches used in an upside-down cake. it's just luscious, psychgrad!

  6. Sorry to hear you lost out on that house and while I hate the idea of bidding wars, I'm hoping to get one when I sell!

  7. That is an absolutely hilarious way to pick winners! Thanks so much!

    And I'm sorry about the house thing. I still lament the first condo that I lost. It sucks.


  8. Ha, nice method on picking winners. What's next, put some names in a pinata and see what names fall? Actually, that might work :)

    I've actually never made an upside down cake... Hmmm what to do, what to do?

    Sorry about the house. I'm on the house market too, but in an opposite situation. I got an offer accepted, but I just can't get the bank to give my in-debt ted butt a loan :)

  9. Love this cake, look really yummy gloria

    Good look with the house hunting!

  10. Congratulations to the winners!! The cake looks fantastic!

  11. Awww.. sorry you missed out on the auction. Next time you need kids to help you 'outkid' a bid, you can borrow mine! :) That cake looks just fabulous too...

  12. Sorry about the house...the peach upside down cake would sure cheer me up! It looks pretty and delicoius.

  13. Sorry about the house. The first house we bid on was already sold but the relator never took it off the listings so it was a mess. Hard to lose a house you like!

    Cake looks yummy, and I'm not even a cake person!

  14. What a fun way to pick!

    The cake did get a bit dark didn't it! It still looks yummy. Peaches are one of my favorite fruits to use in cake. Thanks for the tip about the pan with high sides. Sticky peach syrup is a mess to clean.

  15. Love peach cake. I think i would be afraid to turn it upside down:)

  16. Awesome! This is gonna be a blast -- I can't wait to do my own 'random acts of kindness' post!

  17. kelly -- I can't access your blog. Can you send me a message (blogginwagon(at)hotmail(dot)com) with your address? It would also be great to have access to your blog to have a sense of the things you like.

  18. The random acts of kindness it such a good idea. I can't believe Giz was making jam when you called her - what a foodie thing to do :-) Hope you find another place you like soon.

  19. Impressive, I have yet to attempt the upside down cake.

  20. I like upside down cakes too... I think there's some intrigue there with how it's going to look when you turn it upside down! Peach sounds like a good flavor to play with for an upside down sort of cake.

    Good luck w/ the house search!!

  21. Now THAT looks like a delectable cake!!!

  22. Love the YouTubeinteraction between you and Giz! soory about your house. It wasn't meant to be. I know you'll find one you like even better, you'll see.
