
Friday, September 4, 2009

Greens, Fruit and Toasted Pecan Salad

I admit it - I've been a blogging slacker these days. As most of you already know, we're working away dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's" for the BloggerAid - Changing the Face of Famine cookbook and it's looking pretty darned good. There's learning, the glitches, the endless hours and the cooperation needed to collect close to 140 recipes from international sources and understand them all. Products that are easily recognizable in one part of the world become foreign in another. Everyone has a different writing style and a different story to tell. For me, apart from having a great vehicle to raise money for the World Food Programme, the diversity of it all is nothing short of magical - or maybe it'll be magical once we get to the other side of it. Those who have been entrenched in this process are beginning to learn a whole new respect for an alcoholic substance called tequila and it's now become the standard joke - just pass the tequila. One blogger, who shall remain unnamed but knows who she is and if she's reading this from the UK (oops), thought she might want to squirt lemon in her eye to go with her tequila.

But more than feeling like somehow, we're making a difference, there's a bonding that's happening internationally. Although none of us has met one another, the friendships that are/have been created are lasting and entirely meaningful. I bet I could walk into one of at least 5 homes and have a bottle of tequila plopped on the table and we'd be laughing and talking like old friends.

OK, on to the food portion of the post. Salads have been my staple for the past bit and this one is a winner. I love fruit and nuts in my salads but this one gets even tastier because of the dressing.


1 large bunch of greens
2 cans drained mandarin oranges or 2 large clementines
strawberries, sliced (as many as you like)
1/2 cup blueberries
sliced colourful vegetables (I added fresh peas from the shell)
1/2 cup toasted pecans


1/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp sesame seeds
1 Tbsp poppy seeds
1 1/2 tsp chopped onion
1/4 tsp worchester sauce
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup cider vinegar

Mix all ingredients together in food processor. This dressing will stay in the fridge for a while so great to make double and triple batches.

The long weekend is here. Once your dressing is made and refrigerated, your salad takes 5 minutes to throw together. Voila - you're a hero.


  1. Looks like a great salad! My 'salad trilogy' usually involves a fruit, nut and cheese :)

  2. I think many a glass of tequila has passed these lips while in Editing mode. We are so lucky to have others who are as dedicated to this as we are and wanting to see this cookbook on bookshelves all around the world in aid of world famine. You and the other team members can come to my house and drink tequila anytime, I won't squirt lemon in your eye...but I would rather have a nice glass of wine.

  3. I think you can be forgiven for posting less frequently. You've been doing such great work for bloggeraid! I'm so impressed by all your dedication :-) And you still have time to come up with a yummy end-of-the-summer salad!

  4. It's so hot here, I've been loading up on salads.

  5. Adding a little bit of fruit to a salad makes it so much more interesting and desirable. That dressing looks fantastic! I bet it would be great with some blue cheese added as well.

    Kudos to you for working so hard on this project. I am so glad I joined BloggerAid and only wish I had joined sooner and had taken part in the cookbook. Hopefully there will be a next time though!

  6. I love nuts in a salad...this sounds delicious!!

  7. Oh man Giz- that salad sounds completely wonderful.

  8. Hmmm, I wonder who could be reading this from the UK??! You forgto the bit where I suggested snorting the salt :o)

    Agree - it has been (and is still) a cliff-like learning curve and we still feel overwhelmed, but it will be worth it in the end and we've made some lasting friendships. Long live the Bloggeraid cookbook!

  9. You are doing a WONDERFUL job girls!!!! I appreciate and think about all the hours you spend dedicate to the book... it must be a titanic effort!

    Sorry, there's no tequila in my bar but there's always good rioja wine for best friends :D.

  10. Can't wait to see the cookbook!

    Your salad is so yummy!

  11. Giz,
    I'm always looking for new ways to change up salads. I love the different fruits and pecans. The dressing sounds very good. I'll have to put this salad together.

    Also, thanks for the great idea on my post about putting an egg on top of my Rosemary Thyme potatoes. That is a fantastic idea that I will be doing this weekend.
