
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

House Success & Prince Edward County

Oh oh...Giz has moved from gentle requests, "gee, it would be nice if you posted..." and "are you going to post tonight?" to "are you going to blog ever again?" and "why are you taking pictures of food if you don't blog anymore?" (ouch...the last one stung).

Ok mom -- I'm going to post.

Things have been busy. We found a house! We've got a couple of months until we move in. But, we're slowly making a dent in the things (e.g., trying to sort out an attic that is currently reminiscent of the "before" pictures on Clean Sweep).

I'm looking forward to being into a home of my own and am particularly excited about the amount of cupboard space in the kitchen.

**No, Giz, this isn't a covert way of me saying that you should go out and buy me more kitchen items**

I can see myself being busy with little projects for quite a long time. The current owners love antiques. Like this chandelier...

I think I'm going to be replacing the light fixtures pretty quickly.

I'm also interested in moving this island...or more accurately, penninsula, to the far wall.

I don't really understand their choice of configuration, nor the bum-shaped counter top. Does anyone know anything about these bum-shaped counter tops and whether there is something positive about them that I am missing?

How difficult is it to move an island that is stuck to the floor? It just doesn't make sense to me to have this space. I guess it's supposed to make it an eat-in kitchen. Ideally, I would like to move the penninsula and put on a new counter top that doesn't hang over the cupboards very much.

So, as I was saying, a number of projects for me to stay up at night thinking about. But, the house is in good condition. The lady that lives there is clearly a very tidy (read: obsessive) person, who hasn't skimped on repairs. Here's just one of her 3 closets that are all filled with clothes wrapped in clothing bags.

I'm very relieved to be done the house search process.

R and I went to Prince Edward County last weekend. You may remember Giz and I blogging about our trip to that region last year around this time.

This time, we went to visit the very popular Sandbanks Provincial Park. It's so popular, that when we knew we wanted to go camp there during Labour Day weekend, R woke up 5 months to the date at 8 am (the earliest you can make your camping booking) to make the reservation.

The campsites are about average, as far as Ontario provincial parks go. But, the big draw is the beach, which is one of the nicest beaches in the province. The sand is very fine and the water crystal clear.

Beautiful sunsets too!

Because the weather was so beautiful, we spent most of our time at the beach. But we did take some time to go around the county on our last day in the region.

Last time Giz and I were in the county, we didn't get a chance to buy any cheese. So, R and I stopped in to the Black River Cheese shop.

The website explains that this company was started in 1901 by local farmers and is still a small production facility dedicated to preserving a tradition of making superior cheese.

We stopped off at County Cider. Unfortunately, they were sold out of their Waupoos Premium Cider that we like (the LCBO in town was sold out too). We bought a bottle of the County Premium Cider, but its flavour is much weaker.

We also visited Black Prince Winery. The winery markets itself as being dedicated to crafting fine, accessible wines showcasing what the area has to offer. I've only sampling the wine, so far. But, was actually quite impressed with the taste. Usually, when I sample wine the thought in my wine-novice head is, "yup, tastes like wine". But, when I sampled this wine, I immediately wanted to taste some more.

The 3 hour car ride home gave also gave me the opportunity to finish up a knitting project (Entrelac Cloth) I had started quite a while ago. With summer coming to an end, I'm starting to get the itch to knit again.

I do have actual food posts to share -- but, I'll leave it there for now.


NOTE for Kelly Blechertas -- I don't have access to your blog and, therefore, have no way to contact you regarding your Random Acts of Kindness gift. Please email me at bloggingwagon(at)hotmail(dot)com


  1. Congrats on finding a house! I don't get that butt shaped counter top either. The Prince Edward COuntry looks beautiful.

  2. Congratulations on the house! I've heard the house hunt can be exhausted, so I understand how relieved you are it's over!

  3. Sounds like you've been busy! Congrats on the house, and glad to see you blogging again :)

  4. wow new house! prince edward country looks so fun and gorgeous! i want to visit!!

  5. That's so exciting that you found a house. It does look like you have a lot of work to do but it will be satisfying to make it your own! (I don't know about that bum-shaped counter - doesn't make much sense to me...)

    Your trip looks like fun. What a gorgeous sunset!

  6. GReat post. It really did bring back memories. One of our favorite places to "overnight" when we lived in Toronto, was Prince Edward County. Just one of our many trips

    Thanks for reminding me and congrats about the house....and, mom's are supposed to buy kitchen gifts to fill the cupboards.

  7. I am cracking up over the bum-shaped counter. I would remove the whole silly thing.

    Congrats on your new home.

  8. A new home is very exciting. Congrats! I have never seen a bum shaped island top! It almost looks like they put it on top of a vent???

    Great cheese shop!

  9. It's nice to know you found a house!! It's probably a good thing the previous owner is so obsessive. She kinda reminds me of my grandmother with the plastic bags over clothing.
