
Monday, November 16, 2009

Louisiana Banana Bread

This is the time of year that I go through the freezer and think about what I need to clear out to make room for the mass quantity of holiday baking that will need a spot for holiday giving. Oh look, only a gazillion bananas in zip lock freezer bags that need to get used. As I combed the internet looking for a fresh new (to me) recipe I happened upon this Louisiana Banana Bread that looked promising.

Louisiana Banana Bread

1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp lemon juice
4 eggs
2 cups bananas, mashed (about 4 medium)
1 tsp salt
3 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup sour cream
1 cup chopped nuts

Cream the butter with the sugar, add vanilla and eggs, one at a time, then add bananas. Sift all dry ingredients and add to wet ingredients, alternately with sour cream; fold in nuts.
Bake in two greased (or spray with nonstick coating) loaf pans at 350 F for 50-55 minutes.

Makes 2 loaves
I made 1 loaf and 8 mini loaves. The mini loaves were about 40 minutes bake time.

Verdict: No disappointments here. I'd never made a banana bread with sour cream before and the consistency that resulted was terrific. I think this is going to be my new "go to" recipe from here on in. It's light, nutty and very flavourful.


  1. Love the addition of the sour cream, I bet yogurt would work well too

  2. This is the time of year when both my freezer and fridge are so packed I'm afraid to open the doors!

  3. Going to have to try this out really soon.

  4. This looks so delicious. This is my first visit to your blog - it is great. I shall be back again soon. best wishes Lucie

  5. I always have bananas in the freezer for those banana bread cravings!

  6. I've never rolled with a sour cream banana recipe either, but if you're giving it the a-ok... :)

    I wonder what makes it Louisian-ian?

    And thanks for the support for the book review, you guys are awesome :)

  7. That sounds really good.I have some sour cream I need to use. hmmm.

  8. I'm tired of those little banana torpedoes falling on my toes from the freezer...there is a solution:D

  9. these banana breads look fabulous. This would be a great idea to prepare beforehand if you have to travel.

  10. Sour cream is always the mystery ingredient that turns the ordinary into the spectacular so this has to be the latter.

    Must add to my "To make" list.

  11. I can smell the wonderful aroma now.......

  12. What's Louisiana about it? It doesn't have any hot sauce or bourbon in it. It should at LEAST have bourbon ;-) Don't you think?

  13. Ummm, I need to get some small pans.
