
Monday, November 2, 2009

Nearing the End of Market Season

Does anyone have any wise words of wisdom about adjusting to change? From the changing of seasons and turning back of the clock to packing up my house and relocation(s) at work -- I'm all for re-establishing homeostasis.

Since I'm getting low on everything (a good thing), I haven't been making any new recipes. But, I have been doing some exploring and am a bit behind on sharing some pictures. So, let me share a few with you....

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get to market again -- only 2 weeks left :(. Here are some shots from my last visit:

I am eagerly awaiting the start of our new Green Bin Program. I can only imagine how much less garbage I'll have every week if all of my organic waste can be composted!

I must say, there seem to be more recycling options in Ottawa lately. The days of being expected to pay $50 to recycle an old tube tv seem to be in the past.

I finally finish a knitting project I started a long, long time ago. After finishing the two panels, I lost motivation get through the final steps to completing my poncho (yikes -- 9 months since finishing the knitted portion and completing the project). But, with weather cooling down a lot, the timing seemed right. I was worried about not having blocked the panels enough, but am actually happy with the result. I just compensated for my less than perfect blocking by adding extra length on to the tassles.


  1. Yes, it is a bit "triste" to have the market become "less colourful".
    I love your artichokes they are so beautiful with their purple flowers!

  2. Our own local farmers market ended a few weeks ago. How I long for all the fresh produce.

  3. I was once told that even a good change (i.e. a new house, a home reno) is stressful. My advice? Acknowledge the stress and MAKE LISTS!
    As for the time change - can’t do a thing about it and I hate it. Much prefer more light at the end of the day. Who cares if it’s dark in the morning?
    Love that picture of the blackberries.

  4. Our markets finished last week & I'm going to miss them so much. The poncho looks great!

  5. We've had the green bin program for a while. Although it sounds nice that we're throwing less garbage, it makes me sad when we find out that it's not actually being composted.

  6. I embrace the change - although it's partly because we don't have a real change of seasons here. I was telling a friend there's something comforting about the changing of seasons - makes you feel like you're not running in place.

  7. Green Bin project is awesome. I wish we had something like that here.

  8. Cambridge has a composting program, but you have to bring your compost to a drop-off site. I have to admit that wore thin with me rather quickly. I ended up with a compost in my backyard... I like that you have a bin for (what looks like) curbside pick up.
