
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Baked Chicken Thighs

My mother always encouraged us to have chicken breasts over thighs because of the fat content. What she didn't tell us is that the dark meat holds moisture more efficiently and has more flavour. I feel somehow liberated knowing that I can cook thighs and not have my mom standing over me shaking her finger.

I recently found thighs on sale at my local grocery store and wanted something to go with mushroom brown rice that would have a bit of a gravy with it without it being a high calorie gravy.

8 to 10 chicken breasts, thighs or drumsticks
1 pkg. Knorr Vegetable Soup (or Onion Soup mix)
1 c. water or chicken broth
1/2 cup Italian dressing (I used tomato, basil and oregano dressing)
8 oz. apricot or peach jam
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard

Remove skin from chicken and arrange in a shallow baking pan or casserole.
Blend the remaining ingredients and pour over chicken.
Bake in a preheated 375°F for 45 minutes. Turn pieces half way through cooking and continue until tender and juices run clear.

Another easy recipe that is really forgiving and quick enough for week night dinner. If you don't care for the ingredients I used, make it your own. The jam/preserve is a great addition because it adds a bit of a sticky sweetness to it.


  1. I prefer thighs over breast meat any day. So moist and with more flavor!

  2. I'm not a dark meat fan, so I usually do use chicken breasts instead of thighs! When I make a whole chicken I give my husband all the thighs.

  3. I am a great woman all the way but these do sound moist and flavourful Giz.

  4. this looks fabulous :)
    thank you for letting me know of the site will check it out
    cheers Akheela

  5. My son loves chicken in all forms and this is interesting recipe - going to try it some time.

    Thanks for sharing this with us:)
