
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baked Dijon Salmon

La Dolce Vita and Italyville are hosting The Feast of the Seven Fishes. Maryann explains, The feast of the seven fishes is a tradition that Italians follow every Christmas Eve. "La Vigilia" or "the vigil" is kept with the custom of dining on 7 fish dishes as we await the birth of the savior at midnight. The running roundup can be found here.

Honestly, the food at every Italian event I have been to has blown me away. These photos are of some of the dessert table at a recent event hosted by members of the Italian community in Toronto that Giz and I attended. It certainly would rival any dessert spread at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Jewish wedding.

My submission for this event is Baked Dijon Salmon. This recipe comes from Epicurious. It features honey and dijon mustard. I'm a strong supporter of honey. R's grandmother and her immediate family were beekeepers. I don't know whether it's good genes or the honey, but his grandmother lived to be 103. She was outlived by her brother, who lived to 106. Her younger siblings are still alive in their 90s. Note to self, eat more honey.

Baked Dijon Salmon

1/4 cup butter, melted (excluded)
3 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 1/2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup dry bread crumbs
1/4 cup finely chopped pecans
4 tsp chopped fresh parsley
4 (4 ounce) salmon filets
salt and pepper to taste (excluded salt)
1 lemon, for garnish

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

2.In a small bowl, stir together butter, mustard, and honey. Set aside. In another bowl, mix together bread crumbs, pecans, and parsley.

3.Brush each salmon fillet lightly with honey mustard mixture.

4. Sprinkle (I would describe mine as more coated than sprinkled) the tops of the fillets with the bread crumb mixture.

4.Bake salmon 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, or until it flakes easily with a fork. Season with salt and pepper, and garnish with a wedge of lemon.

Verdict: Quite good. The dijon flavour was certainly noticeable. I would make this again, perhaps with a milder dijon.


  1. Seems to be that time of year when deadines are missed. . . too much else going on! And how cool that your family has beekeepers in it! The fish does sound good.

  2. Send this to me! You are not too late!

  3. Ummm...yum. Love the salmon and I have to get an invitation to one of those Italian parties, geez those desserts. Maybe there should be an Italian vs. Jewish throwdown...I would pay to eat would be no issue.

  4. Great foodies cook alike, I am doing salmon today too :), this looks delish!

  5. The recipe sounds great and I am always looking for new ways to cook salmon. Honey is great and very healthy when it's pure but I am sure that R's grandmother must have also eaten Royal Jelly. That's her secrete.

  6. I've tried a dijon mustard salmon before (I think it was Giada's) and I didn't like it that much. I think though the honey and the bread crumbs would make all the difference.

  7. I have always loved the ways Italiens present fish.Great entry.

  8. The salmon looks delicious! I have to say that i love going to my italian friends house for dinner. The food is always excellent.

  9. I'd like to try this, my hubby wanted me to make salmon but i just didn't know what to do with it to make it taste good. Amazing desserts!!

  10. The sample photos of that spread ARE amazing. Wow.

    And nice salmon. I'll keep in mind the milder Dijon comment.

  11. Yum! This looks absolutely delicious as salmon is one of my fave fish to prepare!

  12. although salmon doesn't tickle my fancy, i'd be willing to go to great lengths to get somewhere with that kind of dessert spread. wowza.

  13. 106? Well, I knew there was something special about honey besides fixing colds! Good call :)

    I think salmon would be really nice this time of year. Nice and light with some sweet spiciness.

  14. I love dijon and honey - especially together! Delicious!

  15. We must both be Canadian EH!! We have both brought salmon to the feast:D

  16. What an amazing display of cakes and tortes. Wow!

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