
Friday, December 5, 2008

Reeses Square

Nothing this easy to make can both taste good and be good for you. Two out of three ain't bad. Sure...the "healthiest" part is probably the graham wafer crumbs and that's not exactly a selling point. But they taste so good and they're easy to make.

If you like Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, you will like this. Perhaps to an unhealthy extent.

Reeses Squares
Recipe from Canadian Baker Too

1 1/2 cups crushed graham cracker crumbs
1 lb confectioners' sugar
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
1 cup butter, melted
1 (12 ounces) bag milk chocolate chips


Combine graham crumbs, sugar and peanut butter and mix well.

Blend in melted butter until well combined.

Press mixture evenly into a 9 x 13 inch pan.

Melt chocolate chips in microwave or in double boiler.

Spread over peanut butter mixture.

Chill until firm and cut into bars.

They're good. Really good.

I don't know if this classifies as candy, but I'm submitting this recipe to Joelen's Holiday Candy Adventure

Another knitting project...

I'm working on a poncho. It's a very basic design - 2 large blocks. Next, I have to wash the pieces and sew them together. It's a pattern from Sally Melville's book.


  1. WOW! Those look SO FREAKING GOOD! Seriously. I LOVE Reeses!

  2. Wow, Matt would love these. & you know according to Bon Appetit peanut butter is this years trend dessert ingredient

  3. These are a get way to get your chocolate & peanut butter fix! I hope you considering submitting this to my Holiday Candy blogging event. Details are in my blog's left sidebar and the deadline is this weekend!

  4. Those look really good, I love peanut butter!

  5. Something that decadent and it doesn't even need to be baked?? Yikes. You are evil, pure evil.

    Giz: saw your comment on my blog--hard to believe the total weight gain is only 1.5 lb! For whom? Toddlers??

  6. As if we can eat healthy at this time of year. To much good temepataion like these bars out there.

  7. Peanut butter and chocolate .. who wouldn't like this combo. Yummy!

  8. I adore Reeses peanut butter cups. And basically anything with chocolate and peanut butter. My husband would go ga-ga over this, too.

    Your poncho is off to a nice start.

  9. Oh yeah- these are great. I can almost taste them, I guess that is calorie free. Now I must make them, then it will no longer be calorie free. Oh but it is good.

  10. I made a cheesecake the other day using peanut butter in the crust and it was great. Peanut butter and chocolate sounds great but not too unhealthy. I'll add some cream cheese on top of that :P

  11. I have never tastes Reese's peanut butter cups, but this looks delicious!!

  12. My husband is a reeses peanut buttercupaholic, I know he'd love this. So I'll make the Reeses squares which will put him in a good mood, then pull out my wish list full of pans and gadgets I want...yeah I think I can make this work for me. Thanks for the recipe!!

  13. Ummmm, that is so yummy, just my kind of bar! Thank you!

  14. you know, reese's cups are just too small for me. your square is looking about the right size. :)
    this is dessert i go to again and again when i want a sure-fire hit. :)

  15. I love Reese's ladies. These would be so easy too:D

  16. Oh come on! Those look crazy good! I want some.

  17. Oh how cute, I always loved ponchos.

    Great easy recipe, might try this with my nephews.

  18. Oh boy....well the peanut butter is healthy too! But when it comes to easy chocolate & peanut butter desserts, calories don't count.

  19. These look so good! I love chocolate and peanut butter!
