
Friday, January 2, 2009

Dogs, Tags, Meme

Ann at Velvet Lava showcased Wylie and Marcel in a dog meme. I just couldn't resist - please indulge me my two best buddies.



What breed are you?
Casey: I'm not sure...Suki; what breed am I?
Suki: You're a Shih Tzu goofball, just like me.

How old are you?
Casey: I am 6 years old - I'm da baby, gotta love me.
Suki: I am 10 and taught Casey everything he knows; but not everything I know. A girl's gotta keep her edge y'no.

What is your full name?
Casey: Casey a.k.a. Buster
Suki: Suk Yee

Do you have any nicknames?
Casey: Everybody calls me something different; fat boy, buster, charles, bone head
Suki: Mamma's baby, sucky baby, high maintenance

Where do you usually sleep?
Casey: With the rest of my pack, on the bed of course
Suki : Wherever mom sleeps, I'm there

What is your favorite thing to do?
Casey: Bark - I have a big boy voice, run around playing tag with my sister, eat, yup I love to eat and I love my treats
Suki: following my mom around - wherever she goes, I go

What is something unusual/interesting about you?
Casey: I won a Mr. Personality prize at the groomers, I love everybody and they love me back, I'm always fighting off the paparazzi
Suki: I'm the runt of my litter but I can run like the wind - I'm very special you see. I also have one black eye and one blue eye so when my picture is taken my right eye usually comes out red and I look like devil dog.

Who is your best friend?
Casey: Everybody is my best friend - my tail is always wagging - with all that activity, you'd have thought I would have lost a pound or two. I wouldn't tell her to her face but really, Suki is my best friend and my half sister (woof)
Suki: My Mom. She can read my mind and knows exactly what I want and when I want it.

Did you go to obedience school? If yes, were you Top Dog or did you flunk out?
Casey: I don't do obedience. I'm very stubborn and when mom wanted to go I told her "it's just not happening". I'm already a good boy.

Suki: I run obedience school here at the house - after all I'm the one who socialized Casey and he didn't turn out too bad.

Can you do any tricks?
Casey: I can hop on all fours like a rabbit. When I have to protect my family I puff up and start hopping on all fours so dogs think I'm really a great dane.
Suki: I can poop on demand - that's a trick isn't it?

Any last comments?
Dogs are people too - we encourage all dogs to do this meme/tag. Hey...Ricki Diet Dessert and Dogs - your dogs are good talkers :)... and we like their pictures, maybe they can tell us more about themselves.


  1. Giz, Your dogs are ADORABLE!! I love that Suki follows you wherever you go and is a "devil dog" and that she can poop on demand. Too cute! And Casey, well, he's a typical male, isn't he? :)
    I have two dogs; can I do this meme?

  2. What cuties!! Well, you know that my Girls love to talk. . . but don't they ALWAYS tell you all about themselves, meme or not?? ;)

  3. They are little dolls. I wish we could have a dog!

  4. LOVED it!!! LOL! I would so love to see Casey hopping on all fours, I bet it is to die for. :)

  5. I LOVE those little guys!

  6. They are both so cute and I enjoyed reading the meme so much.

  7. Cute post, Giz! Have a happy new year :)

  8. Casey & Suki are just so cute. I was thinking the other day that it would be nice to have a little dog...but then I though how can I go on my month long dream vactaion to Italy or Greece if I have my little dahlings at home:D

  9. Those babies are soooooo cute! I love the doggie dialogue :)

  10. i'm sorry, did you say suki poops on demand? that's the best trick i've ever heard of, regardless of species... :)

  11. That was hilarious! Suki's eyes really are unusual, how cool. You have adorable furry children, Giz.

  12. Your babies are adorable! This really was a good meme!

  13. Casey and Szuki are gorgeous!! I bought the cutest salt'n'pepper shakers while on holidays that are kissing shitzus (their mouths are magnets and they join lip to lip).

  14. Oh way too cute. Sending regards from Wilson, the one-eyed Boston Terrier.

  15. SO CUTE!!!! and my dogs aren't particularly obedient either! i think it makes them even cuter when they're rascals. :-)
