
Monday, February 16, 2009

Think Fennel: Chicken in Tomato Sauce with Kalamata Olives and Feta Cheese

This isn't the first time I've highlighted food from For The Love of Cooking. I've lost track of how many recipes of Pam's I've starred. What can I say? She makes good food and the quality photos don't hurt in the enticement department.

When I saw Pam's Chicken in Tomato Sauce with Kalamata Olives and Feta Cheese, I knew I wanted to try it. I didn't have all the ingredients (no ouzo) and am not a big fan of olives, so I left them out. But the dish was still excellent. Even R mmmmm'd his way through dinner.

But, if I'm being honest here...I'll admit that the deal-maker on this dish is that it contained fennel, one of the two ingredients featured in this month's Think Spice event (an event spearheaded by Sunita). This month, Ivy at Kopiaste is hosting the event.

Ivy is always such a strong supporter of our blog and a great collaborating with my mom and Val on BloggerAid, I really wanted to get a recipe in to support Ivy and this event. In fact, Giz's, Ivy's and Val's name are appearing together so often, I propose we start calling them Galvy.

Chicken in Tomato Sauce with Kalamata Olives and Feta Cheese
original source: Eating the Greek Way

2 tbsp + 1 tsp olive oil (divided)
4 chicken breasts, trimmed of any fat, cut into two pieces (I used 3, bone in)
Sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste
Oregano, to taste
3-4 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 tsp fennel seeds
1 28 oz can of whole or diced tomatoes (I used diced)
1/2 cup of chicken broth
1/3 cup of ouzo (I didn't use)
12 kalamata olives (I didn't use)
Feta cheese, garnish
1 tbsp fresh parsley, garnish (also added fresh oregano to garnish)

Heat 1 teaspoon of olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Once hot, add garlic and fennel seeds. Stir constantly for 60 seconds then add the tomatoes, broth, (ouzo if using), sea salt, pepper and oregano, to taste. Crush tomatoes with a spoon, bring mixture to a boil then lower heat and simmer until chicken is done browning. If you want a smoother sauce, blend the mixture with your immersion blender.

Trim the chicken breasts of any fat and cut into two pieces. Season each piece with sea salt, pepper and oregano, to taste. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large Dutch oven over medium high heat. Once hot, add seasoned chicken to the skillet and brown 4 minutes then flip. Brown for an additional 2-3 minutes; add the tomato sauce to the chicken, lower heat to medium low and simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove the chicken to a serving dish and keep warm with a tin foil tent. Add the olives to the sauce and boil over high heat, stirring frequently, until it thickens -about 5 minutes. Taste and re-season with salt, pepper and oregano if needed. Pour sauce over chicken, top with feta cheese and chopped parsley. I would suggest serving this meal with bread of some sort to help sop up the yummy tomato sauce.


  1. I could eat a loaf of bread with that sauce. Sounds amazing. Thanks a lot Psychgrad for participating. How was first day at work today? Good luck.

  2. Chicken - Good!
    Tomatoes - Good!
    Olives - Good!
    Feta Cheese - Good!
    Can you tell I love this dish??!!!

  3. This does look like a keeper Psychgrad. A big check mark for every ingredient!!I think I also like the name Galvy. It is perfect for Giz's first grandchild...hardee har har...

  4. I love those fennel seeds, it gives the dish slightly fragrant taste (I know you can taste fragrant) But you know what I mean.

  5. I saw this at Pam's as well and it's so beautiful and it sounds just amazing. Wow now I really have to give it a whirl.

  6. That looks delicious Giz! I love the flavor combination here!

  7. this looks really of favorite flavor/ingredient combinations!

  8. I bookmarked this when Pam made it, and now I'm bookmarking it again! I've got to make this!

  9. Galvy! Haha. Perfect. I do think of them as somewhat of a tight trio at this point.

    I bookmark a lot of Pam's recipes too - she makes wonderful food. I can't make this one for me and Steve though since he hates olives and feta. Booooo.

  10. mmm...that's a gorgeous plate of food! i'm comforted just looking at it! nice version of pam's dish. very nice, actually. :)

  11. This is most definitely a "must try". My husband would love it!

  12. All of these ingredients sound amazing together!

  13. This is perfect, seriously perfect!
    Your making my belly growl!

  14. That looks and sounds delish. I will take your olives.

  15. That is one tasty looking chicken dish!

  16. I searching for a New Chicken recipe for the family and stumbled on your site. I love the sound of Chicken, tomato, and of course Feta cheese.

  17. Love the Combo of having Chicken and Feta Cheese together. Crave them now..
