
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tried, Tested and True 3 Roundup: Wedding Edition

Thank you to everyone who participated in Tried, Tested and True 3! This is what I love about blogging: the support of your fellow bloggers and great recipe ideas. Next week, when Giz gets back from Miami and I am more adjusted to my new work schedule, wedding planning will resume to full speed. Thankfully, with your help, we have a bunch of great ideas for our Saturday dinner.


Ivy of Kopiaste submitted her Smoked Salmon Vol au Vents. What's great about this particular entry is that we do have non-meat eaters. As you can imagine - smoked salmon (lox) is a sure bet with our family.

I also love the sweet version of these vol au vents (in the dessert section)

Ruth of Ruth's Kitchen Experiments made these wonderful looking soy honey sausages that would be a hit at any event. I love the ease of these appetizers and I'm sure they'll be gone as quickly on our buffet as they were on Ruth's table. Ruth's event Bookmarked Recipes, is in it's 42 week. Definitely check it out! I'll be hosting it in a few week too.

Hopie, our adopted blog sister from Hopie's Kitchen , makes sure everyone has something to munch on with her Roasted Pepper and Feta Dip. This is one of those dishes I really have to be careful with since it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for me to grab the whole thing and find a quiet corner - just me and my dip. Congratulations to Hopie on the one year anniversary of Hopie's Kitchen

Val from More Than Burnt Toast did a beautiful job of Turkey Pinwheels. Just a perfect add Val and if (that's a big if) there are any leftovers, you can bet we'll be taking these to work for lunch.


And, if one entry wasn't enough, Val of More Than Burnt Toast made Chicken Wellington. I can see you were going to be absolutely certain that nothing got missed. Thank you so much for this.

Another double entry comes from Ivy of Kopiaste created her Stuffed Turkey Roulade. I can't think of a single person in the family who wouldn't be looking at this roulade without thinking how beautiful it looks. Ivy - I'm so sure Giz will be making this.

NOTE: I'm telling you folks - Galvy is the bomb!

Nuria from Spanish Recipes really knows how to throw a party. These Muntaya Sea and Mountain Shrimp would be an elegant addition to any festive table.

Chris from We Heart Food made this gorgeous Ultimate Veggie Mini Burger. I'm excited to have a couple of really interesting meatless options. The primary ingredient in these buns is garbanzos beans, which makes for a fascinating alternative to the traditional burger buns.

Julia from Grow. Cook. Eat suggests a resilient and delicious Beef Stew. Cooking delicate food for a group (particularly when it's a drop-in event) can be disastrous. So, foods that can sit, be reheated and are still flavourful are an important consideration.

Ben from What's Cooking has never cooked for a wedding before, but if you check out his blog, you'll see that he's more than capable. Check out his
Eggplant and chicken casserole . I'm going to have to test this recipe out as I could see this being a regular in our repetoire (not to mention a great addition to our Saturday dinner).

Following Julia's advice of resilient food, I made a beef pot roast. It's my party and I can eat horseradish if I want to! Right? Well - this is my sneaky way to incorporate it. But, I'd probably go with a more pulled beef texture to aid in the consumption since there isn't room to accommodate everyone at one table.

Ning from Heart and Hearth prepared Greek Chicken and brought it all the way from the Phillipines. A fresh healthy option would certainly be a hit.


Grace of A Southern Grace shares her Mamster's Lemon Pound Cake. Grace, can I steal "Mamster"? I think Giz would prefer that to "Mother Dearest". Just a hunch. This poundcake looks delicious. I'm glad to see the pound cake making a big comeback. I know Giz will be the first one checking this out as will Baba who swears the only good cake is one that looks exactly like this one.

Karen from Domestic Muse suggests Not Yo' Mama's Banana Puddin, which ironically enough, may become my mama's banana pudding since Giz is now scrolling Miami looking for these regal Chessmen Cookies. I don't think I've ever seen them before in Canada.

Giz's note: I loved the uniqueness of these cookies so much that I set out on a mission to actually find them and VOILA...I found them,

Giz of Equal Opportunity Kitchen shares her recipe which is two parts awesome and one part insane. Why is my mother making a wedding cake out of towels four months before my wedding? Just wondering. But I must is kind of cool. If it's not too dusty in June, I think we'll use it as a decorative piece/food display for the table.

Giz's cookies are very cute. R's family is going to think we've lost our minds with such attention to detail. I think they'll get over it after eating these cookies.

Last, but not least, here the sweet version of Ivy's vol au vents Kopiaste ...Sweet...savoury...sweet...savoury. Ok - I'll take both!


  1. I love the cake! Even if it is made of towels! That is very very creative! The cookies are so pretty! Too good to eat :)

    Wonderful and delicious dishes to serve your party guests! Congratulations! :)

  2. Wow, I think Giz is excited ;-) Everything looks so yummy -- as it should!

  3. Fantastic Round-up! Honestly, I think you could just make the dishes here and have a perfectly well balanced buffet! Well, maybe add a salad... but otherwise such an interesting and delicious variety of dishes.

    Congrats on the wedding! I can't wait to hear about the menu!

  4. So many delicious recipe to choose from Psychgrad. Everyone will be eating very well. What about Galvy for a middle name for Giz's first born grandchild...wink....

  5. Your guests will be delighted with any of these dishes. I hope that some of the stress has now disappeared.

  6. Fabulous roundup! I'd say your all set for the Big Day ;). And I think the towel cake as decoration is a great idea!!

  7. What a beautiful array of food!

  8. Hola, espero que tengas traductor y me entiendas, mi inglés es malo.
    Me gusto mucho tu blog y lo he enlazado al mio.
    Espero que te guste.
    Un abrazo.

  9. that's a whole lotta goodness--i can't WAIT to hear how the dinner goes and what you end up serving. i'm ridiculously excited for you--giddy, even. :)
    (and of course you can use "mamster"--it's a winning term of endearment!)

  10. what fun! everything looks gorgeous. I've missed so much this past month, as I tried to figure out my slow-blog situation.

    Has the cookbook entry deadline been extended? I see that it is not the 31st of March, which makes me very happy.

    PS: I've moved:

  11. Hi, Psychgrad and Giz! I gave you an award, please stop by my blog and pick it up! Have a wonderful weekend!

    :) Karen

  12. This is an awesome roundup...we're all invited to the wedding right?

  13. Oh my your going to have fun planning the wedding, wonderful round up!

  14. AGGGGGGH I can't believed I missed the big "tried, tested & true"! I had every intention of attending, but somehow ....

    Oh well, everything looks awesome. I especially love the towel cake!
