
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bzz Agent Giz Reporting for Duty

Not long ago as I surfed through blogs I came upon one that spoke to sampling a product and creating a Bzz; a review of a product. I was intrigued and followed the path to to learn more about this community.

Essentially, BzzAgent is a word-of-mouth media network powered by a half-million people pairing consumers with products and supply digital tools that make widespread opinion-sharing easy.

* We were founded in 2001
* We've run 500+ programs for major brands including Unilever, Kraft and Procter & Gamble
* Our participants have spread word of mouth to 110+ million family and friends
* We've received 1.7 million reports submitted detailing first-hand brand-related conversations.

Products are offered to Bzz Agents in the form of campaigns and you can pick and chose which campaigns you might be interested in participating in. You sign up for a particular campaign, arrange to try the product and then write up a Bzz or report about it by sharing your honest opinion of the product.

When I saw the campaign come out for Nordica Single Serving Cottage Cheese I knew it would be a campaign I would want to participate in. First of all I love cottage cheese. Secondly I already buy Nordica products and thirdly I had never tried the single serve fruit bottom cups. The biggest draw was that it had a health check from the Heart & Stroke foundation so what could be bad (unless you're lactose intolerant of course)

Touted as a healthy snack with substance, Nordica Cottage Cheese comes in six flavours with each containing 10% of your recommended daily calcium, with prebiotics and probiotics to help keep your immune and digestive systems happy. When I signed up I received an envelope with a coupon for a free sample of 4 plus 5 store coupons to save $1.25 on any Nordica single serve cottage cheese (4x113g) to share with others. The catch is that the coupons are good only in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. If you're in any of these provinces in Canada and are interested, please just leave me your email address and I'll make these available (one per comment and if there aren't 5 comments from these provinces I'll just apportion them accordingly)

So, here's my opinion - generally a very tasty product. Kids would love them as a snack at home, after hockey or soccer or even at a sleep over. I found them pretty sweet tasting but there's really only 8g sugar per serving. My one deterrent is the amount of sodium coming in at 13% or 300 mg per serving. I don't think this would stop me from recommending them for lunches and snacks - they really are pretty tasty.


  1. What a cool concept! Nice that it turned out you actually liked it. ;)

  2. It's amazing how sodium sneaks its way into so many products. But good on the low sugar count. I bet this would be good for kugel too! (I've got kugel on the brain since I just made some and used copious amounts of cottage cheese).

  3. Sodium and high fructose corn syrup turns me off to most processed foods. I love cottage cheese too, mom used to serve pears with a scoop in the center over a bed of lettuce.

    Good job Agent Giz!

  4. cool! its fun reporting on foods!

  5. Thanks for telling us about Bzz. I'm going to check it out. I love trying new products, especially for free!

  6. I have cottage cheese for breakfast almost every second day along with my daily me crazy.
