
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pancetta: Tortiglioni vs. Orcheiette

Remember the Italian store? The one that started off as a place R didn't want to go into and would wait outside, in frustration... Next step was R coming in the store with me. Week after that, I heard he stopped in while I was out of town (visiting Giz) because it was on his way. Since then, it has been his weekly weekend walk. He makes the 1 hours walk (there and back) to buy buns and lunchmeat for his lunches for the week. Lately, he has been getting pancetta. You can see another pancetta recipes here.

These TWO recipes contain many of the same ingredients, but vary whether it is white wine- or tomato-based. One recipe includes crushed tomatoes and the other chopped. Play with these ingredients, adding herbs and other veggies as you see fit. It makes for a great meal (and leftovers).


2.5 inches pancetta (spicy)
500 g Orcheiette (or any pasta of your choosing)
1 cup of white wine
16 oz crushed tomato
3-4 tomatoes
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 shallots, finely chopped
tomatoes, chopped
pepper, parsley, basil, oregano (fresh or dried), chopped
parmesan cheese, to taste

Chop the pancetta into small cube shapes. Pan fry them (careful to not burn them). Once pancetta cubes are close to being done, remove and place in papertowel to absorb the fat (that's what I do). In the same pan, fry the garlic and onion, mixing continously. After a minute or so, add the wine and let reduce some. Add the remainder of your ingredients. Once a few minutes from completion, return the pancetta to the pan. Add the herbs. Plate with shredded parmesan cheese over top.

Here's the crushed tomato base:

Tortiglioni Pancetta

Here's the white wine base:

Orcheiette Pancetta

This dish is being sent to Katie at One Little Corner of the World. I've been following Katie's blog for a while now (not in a stalkerish kind of way). Definitely check out her site! Katie is hosting this week's Presto Pasta Night!

So -Which dish would you prefer???

Note: the top picture of tomatoes comes from Tomato Mania.

I also wanted to take a second to help spread the word about the third round of Adopt a Blogger.

Kristen at Dine and Dish, who blogs about her recipes, family, daily experiences and the pregnancy of her 4th child, is taking the time to host the third Adopt a Blogger event. We've participated in the first two as a newbie blogger, paired with Redacted Recipes and as a veteran blogger, paired with Hopie's Kitchen.

We're excited to receive a new adoptive blog. Hopie - are you ready for an adoptive sibling?

As you can imagine, there are many newbie bloggers. But there is still need for more veteran foodbloggers. If you're interested in being paired with a new food blogger, let Kristen know. It's a nice way of getting to know other people in the community.


  1. How about I just take both? they both look fantastic!

  2. I would love both dishes of course. I stop off at my local Italian grocers at least once a week..this week twice for some fresh ricotta, artichokes, etc, etc:D

  3. Do I have to choose?! Though as a pasta shape I do love orcheitte

  4. I love how simple and elegant this pasta dish is!

  5. You are wonderful - thanks so much for spreading the word about Adopt a Blogger and for your participation!

    And yes, there is no way I could choose between those! They are both amazing.

  6. I wouldn't be able to choose between the two - they both look wonderful!

  7. Just found you for the first time today and I'm really enjoying reading you! Thanks also for spreading the word about adopt-a-blogger, that is an absolutely excellent idea.

    Casual Kitchen

  8. Both sound so good, it's hard t choose. But, if I must to choose one, I'd probably go for your Tortiglioni Pancetta. Just because I like the shape of the pasta.

  9. The recipe confuses me... are there supposed to be two separate ones? O_o

    I have to say the choice is easy for me because I will always take the one that isn't a red sauce. I like red sauce okay, but much prefer a white wine base (or cream, if it's really light).

    Thanks for bringing up Adopt a Blogger. I remember when you were paired with Ann. I love that you guys do that for each other.

  10. Melissa - my recipe writing skills are not great. The intention was to give you an idea of the ingredients (and portions) I use...but leave the actual components up to you.

  11. I'll try to be nice to my little adoptive sibling. It looks like I'll be starting an adoptive family of my own this round! Ready to be adoptive GRANDPARENTS? ;-)

  12. although clearly it's hard to choose, i like the dish with the crushed tomato base best. so savory and comforting.

  13. Hopie - Giz will be thrilled! She finally gets to be a grandmother!

    Ok...that was mean.

    Looking forward to expanding the "family tree".

  14. sounds super delicious, a definitely must make recipe. thx 4 sharing. :) xx

  15. I can't choose!! They both look so darn good! I love the picture at the top of the post!

  16. I've got to go with the tortiglioni. Lovely dish. :)

  17. Do I really have to choose? I'd just have them both, thank you very much!!

  18. I'll take the tortiglioni for lunch and orecchiette for dinner. Looking forward to lots of fresh heirloom tomatoes soon.

  19. Thanks PG. That makes sense, it's not that you write it badly. I just thought maybe I had missed something. :)

  20. Eeny, meany, miney moe...I'll take both please! And thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  21. I love how you present two dishes for how to use pancetta! They both look GREAT. I love Italian grocers...they have so many yummy options.

  22. Do I really need to pick just one. They both look great.

  23. Both dishes sound great, can't wait to try them (though I admit to being a bit partial to orcheiette).

    My husband did the same thing with me, only over Italian mortadella. He complained that I went out of my way to get it and now that's where HE shops!

  24. Great Post - and I am glad you aren't stalking Thanks for sharing. Your pasta was a wonderful addition to PPN!!!

  25. I would like a little of each please - they both look delicious!

  26. Should I call you (collectively) Mom? I'm so excited to be adopted by you!

    I vote for the orcheiette. There's just something about that ear shaped pasta that sounds exceptionally yummy. Ear? Sounds? Right.

    I'm looking forward to reaping the benefits of your wisdom. Woo hoo!
