
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wedding Story: Part 1

Preamble: I know Giz already posted about some of this... but consider that the unauthorized (read: Giz has no patience) version.
I'm married! Wedding celebrations were a bit intense -- so I'm taking some time to recuperate. I'll take a couple of posts to tell you about everything. When the professional pictures are available, I'll show some to you as well. I actually took some with the blog in mind. :) Hopefully they'll turn out.

The weekend was jammed packed -- Saturday was my convocation and R's was on Sunday. So, we're now officially Dr. and Mr.. So far the answer the question everyone likes to ask is...No, I don't feel any different. So far, being married and living together doesn't feel any different from "living in sin".

The "week" started off with Giz coming to stay with us for 5 nights (but who's counting?). The rest of the time, she stayed in a hotel. Among the three of us (me, R and Giz), we have an expression: "a week is never enough". Say it like an old Jewish mother. The new expression is "10 days is more than enough".

Upon her arrival, Giz went steadily to work on her cookies. You'll remember them from this post here . We put our heads together and came up with a cute design. Giz probably spent 25 hours working on these cookies (for more details, see an upcoming post by R where he will recommend a food intervention).

These suckers consumed my entire apartment, including the daybed Giz slept on. Of the approximately 220 cookies that were made, we have 5 left.

I took in about 45 to work thinking that I would bring most of them home. I must have underestimated the power of "word of cookie".

The week prior, I got a call from R's boss asking me to be in on a surprise potluck they were throwing on his last day at work. I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it across town during my lunch break, but managed to sneak away for a bit. R was so shocked, it took him a few seconds to even figure out who I was - it was so out of context for me to be in his office.

R is a bit of a prankster in the sense that he likes to play on people's gullabilities* (is that even a word?). His boss was so thrilled to pull this surprise off, she was in tears.

With a week off of work and about 25 family members soon being added to the mix, my stress level started to rise on the Wednesday....

* R has managed to, on various occasions, convince Giz that we are going to live as human shields in Afghanistan (no disrespect intended). He also managed to convince Giz that customer service at our grocery store informed him that icing sugar sales have gone up 600% since she came to town.


  1. I can't wait to see the other pictures of the wedding!! 220 cookies, that's a lot of royal icing!

  2. Those cookies turned out wonderful Giz .. 25 hours? Whoa!

    Psychgrad .. thanks so much for sharing the pre-wedding days, with the laughter and tears and yes, even the stress.

  3. Congratulation on your wedding!
    Can not wait to see the wedding photos. Your cake look wonderful, and the cookies are so cute.

  4. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing & hearing more

  5. I love love love reading your wedding tales, hungry for more!

    Mazel Tov!

  6. This is the stuff we've been waiting for!
    Happy Doctorate!
    Happy Wedding!

    After dating a long period of time, we also didn't experience any changes after we got married. It felt exactly the same - except it would be a way messier breakup.

  7. Thanks for sharing the wedding tales. For all the stress, it sounds like you had a grand time!


  8. Wow, that's an insane amount of cookies! I can see why R might propose an intervention :-) They're beautiful though!

  9. Many, many congratulations on being Dr. and Mrs. So happy for you PG!

    Can't wait to hear the rest. And I'm laughing at R's pranking... though if he did it to me I probably wouldn't be laughing... ;)

  10. Melissa -- Dr. and Mr. not Dr. and Mrs.

  11. Congratulations! Love the cookies...really nice. Waiting for more...

  12. The wedding, grad and everything were all a great success...even if you both just barely survived:D memories were made and I look forward to hearing more about it. Congratulations!!!!

  13. i've been so looking forward to these posts--thanks for sharing so much, and congrats!

  14. Congratulations to you both!! Those cookies are adorable!!

  15. Awesome! Congratulations!
    I can't want to see the other photos!

  16. cute cookies!! congrats!!

    thank you for the kind words you left on my blog

  17. I'm very pumped for you guys! It sounded like a ridiculous amount of work, but it of course was all worth it. I can't even imagine doing 220 of anything, but the cookies look really cute. I can totally picture cookie sheets everywhere.

    And gullibility is totally a word. Look gullible is written on the ceiling...

  18. The real trouble with R is that he's just smarter than I am and I fall into his traps every time.

  19. Many congratulations!!
    The cookies are awesome and I really enjoyed reading your wedding posts.
    Best of luck to you both for the future!

  20. Wait. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I stop blogging for 12 months and I come back and you are MARRIED and you've got your PHD!?!?!?! (Honestly, not sure which blows my mind more). WOAH!! So is THAT why you were learning to decorate cakes????? I'm so happy for you and R (and Giz for surviving the whole thing)! CONGRATULATIONS!

    And thank you for stopping by and leaving a note on our blog. I must confess, we were pretty bowled over that you had still kept us on your blog reader after a 12 month hiatus (I think "tickled pink" was the word Do used).
