
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Wedding Story: Part 3

Warning: R's Equal Opportunity Kitchen Exposed post is in progress. He has been spending way too much time in the office writing this thing. afraid. Be very afraid.

But first, I bring you the 3rd installment of The Wedding Story...

With the first full day of events impending, Giz and I headed to the Byward Market to stock up on supplies. We had about an hour to get a lot done. So, I was literally dragging Giz from place to place telling her to put the camera down and get a move on.

She did manage to sneak in a few shots.

Unlike the Farmer's Market, the stands at the Byward Market contain a lot of produce that is not local. This has led to quite a debate, locally. Including a petition. Last year, the addition of a colour-coding system was added to inform customers of the distance the produce has travelled to get to the market.
Red means Canadian.
Blue means imported.
Green means from within 100 kilometres of Ottawa.
Yellow means organic produce from anywhere.

There are still some problems with this system as the stickers are not always prominently displayed, produce from different regions are often sold in the same basket and there is the occasional mislabelling.

One of the main benefits of the market is that there are a bunch of small stores in the area that are there year round (even when the stands close for the winter).

There are two cheese stores very close to each other (I get the names confused). They're both good. I think the one we went to was The House of Cheese. Or, maybe it was International Cheese & Deli.

One of the best reasons to go to the market is to visit La Bottega, a store specializing in Italian food.

At this point, we were beyond late and I was stressing. So, Giz was very restricted in her picture taking. We picked up the remainder of what we needed and returned to the apartment to get the "day before" preparations under way.

Thankfully, I had a barrage of help Saturday morning to get everything done. Life is so much easier when other people do your work for you. I miss my entourage (sniff sniff).

Here are some shots from Saturday dinner (some are blurry -- there was just too much going on at once to take good shots).

Cheese Platter

Included a mix of cheddar, brie, smoked gouda, havarti and cranberry goat's cheese.

Orzo Caprese Salad (Melissa - you know I'm obsessed with this stuff)

I made the pesto without pine nuts because one of the guests is deathly allergic to nuts (slight challenge).

Lemon-Dill Salmon

Not the most beautiful dish in the world -- but it was a big hit and super easy to make. We marinaded the salmon for 30 minutes with olive oil, lemon juice, dill, salt and pepper. HUGE HIT.

Here you can also see a bit of the green salad we served along with the baguette (some fresh, some made into crostini). Guests had an option of bruschetta or portabello tapinade.

Also a favourite, here's the spanikopita (easy to make ahead of time, freeze and warm up). You can also see Giz's towel cake in the background.

Chicken Skewers (sorry, kind of blurry) -- the platter was a gift from R's mom.

Dorie Greenspan's Perfect Party Cake


1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup butter
1 tsp vanilla
4 cups icing sugar
4-6 tbsp water

Make sure shortening and butter are at room temp. Mix them together to smooth out, add vanilla, then icing sugar (a little bit at a time to avoid a counter disaster). Add water as needed (depending on desired consistency).

This 3-tier stand was a wedding gift (from Giz, of course). The top layer is some leftover banana loaf and the other layers are the famous Blueberry Crumble Bars that everyone was making last year. I used a mix of blueberries and a saskatoon berries to make them.


  1. I'm laughing about you having to restrict Giz's photo taking

  2. I love that we bounce back and forth between graduation and wedding.

  3. The food looks fantastic ... I love that salmon, oh heck I love it all!! Can't wait for R's post :)

  4. All the food looks delicious! I can't wait for R's post. These wedding and grad posts are so much fun.

  5. Thanks for sharing the Byward Market color coding system. I didn't know that was in place and will definetely keep an eye out for it. Love your posts!

  6. Okay I just went back and read everything. I love all his and stopping her from taking it. Can't wait to hear more.

  7. Love that idea of color coded in this post (smile). Oh, I believe you ... I know how good that salmon must have been.
    Have a wonderful one.

  8. A well fed group of friends and family for the big event:D

  9. Okay, um, I'll take 4 pieces of spanakopita, a whole salmon fillet aaaaand about a quart of the orzo caprese salad. *Waiting with plate in hand*

    I'm so glad you were able to make that dish your own and enjoy it so much. It's been passed on from me to 3 others now - each with their own tweaks - and I love that.

    And I dig the one shot Giz WAS allowed (ha) to take of the Italian market. Looks good. I'm grateful I have one near me as well.

    Loving the posts and I look forward to the next!

  10. That orzo salad looks SO delicious!! A festive ovcasion!

  11. Everything looks wonderful. Congrats on ...getting married...and surviving the prep

  12. Ugh - I missed it! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to congratulate you! You had such a busy month with your wedding and graduation. Very impressive! Congrats on such great accomplishments :)

  13. The food looks fantastic, especially the cheese which is my favorite. In fact I just wrote a cheese party post for MyPunchbowl, a site for online invitations, where I linked to your post!
