
Saturday, November 14, 2009


There are so many good things happening - lots of celebrations to share.

, the BloggerAid Cook Book is available for purchase on Create Space, an arm of If you go to, you won't find the book so follow the link below the picture of the cover to get there.

After nearly a year of very hard work by so many, this 224 page book that contains approximately 140 unique recipes from over 60 countries is finally completed. 100% of the royalties have been assigned to School Meals with the World Food Programme.

We're incredibly impressed with the international efforts of so many who made this happen. A world can indeed come together with purpose.


Psychgrad is on the move - I mean literally moving. She and "R" just got the keys to their new home. It's a celebration on two fronts. Firstly and most importantly, this is their first home. Visualize paint cans, ladders, moving trucks, boxes...more boxes, bread and salt on the kitchen counter (baba is superstitious about having this in a new home). I can hear lots of sighs as the paint rollers glide across the walls transforming the house into their own. Secondly and pretty exciting is that mom gets to go on a road trip - yipeeeee!!! With dogs in tow, we'll set out to help (read: supervise) the moving process and hope that I don't get clobbered within the first 24 hours of arrival. So, there's a very real chance that you may just get stuck with me until Psychgrad can find her way back to her computer.


Keeping with the theme of celebrations, last night we went out to celebrate!! My brother is one of the producers for the revival of the Broadway musical Ragtime

If you happen to be in the New York City area, Ragtime opens at the Neil Simon Theatre on Sunday, November 15th. We took baba out for dinner to share in the excitement. We went to our favourite local Italian restaurant; one we hadn't been to in a long while.

I loved the presentation on the appetizer so of course the camera had to come out. I asked about a source for these long handled spoons that come in two sizes - this is the small size. Apparently they're from Mexico.

I had shrimp diablo that was incredibly tasty with a pretty good kick.

followed by roast chicken

and tiramisu for dessert

They say things come in 3's - I'm pretty happy with these three good things :)


  1. Three exciting bits of news!!! It's so cool to see the bloggeraid cookbook finally for sale. I'll be ordering a copy asap :-) Congrats to Psychgrad and R and to your brother!

  2. Three fantastic tidbits of news but all on a monumental scale. So exciting on all accounts.

  3. I'm ordering a copy asap! Thanks for making all of this possible Giz!

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  5. That's awesome news on all three fronts, congrats on all of that! I'm very excited about the book, and tell Psychgrad best of luck on the new home. I'm happy everything worked out for her. I'm sure you have a couple things you might want to get rid off and give to her... that's what my mom did :)

  6. So much good stuff happening at once!

  7. You guys really deserve a very big "CONGRATULATIONS!" for this! And there's nothing like a move and a Broadway musical is there? Say hi to the doggies for me!

  8. I know Psychgrad is in transit to her new home, but I wanted to leave a quick comment to let her know I received my random act of kindness in the mail on Wednesday, and I LOVE IT! I've blogged about it over on my blog, and, have done a giveaway for my own random acts of kindness :)

  9. I squealed when I read this post. I saw Ragtime shortly after it opened on Broadway and fell in love. I've been trying to get everyone I know in NYC to see the revival. I'll keep my fingers crossed for next June for them.

  10. Congrats on the book and congrats on the new place for psychgrad! 3 excting pieces of news!

  11. Well you been triple blessed Giz! All of your news is exciting. I hope we get to see pics of psychgards house!!
