
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Poppyseed Cookies

Sunita from Sunita's World has an event each month that encourages you to think about the spices in your kitchen and how you use them. For the month of December the decided spice is poppyseed and this month the guest host is RV of Food for 7 Stages of Life

This one was a no brainer for me since one of my warmest memories growing up was the smell of poppyseed cookies baking in my mother's kitchen. I knew I had a good recipe for them and also knew I was going to be making them this week for a gathering on the weekend. It's fun surprising my mother with treats that haven't been part of her daily life for many many years.

3 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp poppyseeds
2/3 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 large eggs
1 Tbsp orange juice
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract

In medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in poppyseeds

In large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer, cream together butter and sugar for approximately 4 minutes. Beat in eggs one at a time until incorporated (about 1 minute each). Add juice, vanilla and almond extract. Stir in flour mixture slowly just until blended. Divide dough in 3 discs. Warp each in plastic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

Line baking sheet with parchment.

On lightly floured surface or between sheets of plastic wrap, roll out a dough disc to about 1/4 inch thickness. Cut out cookies with your cutter of choice leaving about 2 inches in between. Re-roll or refrigerate any remaining dough.

Bake in centre of preheated 350F oven until edges begin to brown - about 10-12 minutes. Mine were done at 11 minutes.

And look who are waiting for me to just drop one - please mom, just one - we promise to share.

This event is open until the end of the month and I know you're all in your kitchens getting ready for the holidays. Here are the guidelines:

1. Post any kind of recipe(s) cooked with White or Blue Poppy Seeds between now and Dec 31st 2009.
2. Provide a link back to Food for 7 Stages of Life" and Sunita from Sunita's World You can send archived entries as well. Update/Repost and provide a link to both posts. Please feel free to use the logo.

3. Mail your entries to foodfor7stagesoflife(at)gmail(dot)com with below details:

Mail Subject: Think Spice Think Poppy Seeds
Your Name:
Blog Name:
Recipe Name and URL:

4. Non bloggers can send their recipe(s) and picture to foodfor7stagesoflif(at)gmail(dot)com


  1. Wher have I been to miss two posts. These cookies will bring back memories!!!

  2. Thank you Giz! The cookies look beautiful. The shape and color looks just too perfect. I hope I can grab them for my evening snack :) And Many Thanks for letting your readers know about this event.

  3. Those 2 little faces are too cute.

    Happy Hannamas to everyone in the Equal Opportunity Kitchen.

  4. How could you refuse those two sweet faces a cookie or two

  5. I am totally in tune with Sunita's World without even knowing! I made poppyseed chicken this week.

  6. I can't decide which is the cutest, the cookies or those two faces! I love a poppyseed cake so I can just imagine how tasty these cookies must be!

  7. i love the shape of these cookies most of all! i guess i never really thought of poppyseed as a spice, but i'll take it!
    (love the shot of the pups too!)

  8. I do hope those cute angels did get some treats. That begging has me wanting to give them some.

    And I wouldn't mind a few of the cookies for myself, please.
