
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Adopt A Blogger #4 and Sugar Bush

Kristen from Dine and Dish started an annual event called Adopt A Blogger. We're now in our 4th year (time flies doesn't it) and Psychgrad and I are happy to participate in this event again.

Psychgrad already introduced you to our adoptive blogger, Ed, and his tasty chili recipe here. Now, I'd like to take my turn to formally introduce you to our adoptive blogger. Ed of Detroit Eats is an accomplished chef so I'm already gathering that we'll have more to learn than to mentor. If you haven't yet visited his blog, please do so; you'll find it both educational and inviting. I guess the name Detroit Eats gives away where Ed's from. It's nice to have a blogger friend whose location is reasonably close to me - about a 4 hour drive and we both live around the Great Lakes.

Ed and I wanted to collaborate on something we have in common as well as something that one might consider unique. Given the time of year, sugar bush was not only timely, but fun. You may have seen our previous posts about sugar bush from both Quebec and Ontario As far as I know, maple syrup production is only found in Canada and the U.S. around the Great Lakes. We've both decided to write similar posts about maple syrup, where it comes from and some ways to use it.

While at Sugar Bush my friend "S" snapped this shot and I loved it so begged to include it in this post. (well...didn't really have to beg too much).

This year we went back to the same farm we previously visited (i.e. the one from Ontario). Can you imagine the smell of a wood burning fire coupled with the sweet smell of maple sugar. It's pretty hard to resist.

I had to get a light amber and a darker amber. The difference is in the boiling. Although the sweet factor is the same, the depth of maple flavour is more pronounced in the darker amber.

Either one is especially delicious when someone is making pancakes for you and adding a cup of maple coffee to the mix.

I had some Canadian salmon at home and what better way to celebrate sugar bush than to make a maple glazed salmon dish. The recipe is for approximately 1 lb (.5k) of fish - I halved mine.

1/2 cup canola oil
1/4 cup light soya sauce
1/4 cup dark rum
3-4 Tbsp Maple Syrup (some use 1 1/2 - I like more)
3 Tbsp Lemon Juice
salt and pepper to taste (I eliminate the salt)

1. Line a cookie sheet with tin foil
2. Marinate the fish for 2 hours.

3. Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes

For those interested in seeing some of what it takes to bottle maple syrup - enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. we just went to the MN Arboretum & its maple syrup season out there too, its so fun to see how its made
