
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kale and Bacon Quiche

Here we are - Tuesday again - where did last week go? A total blur of helping a friend prepare for her daughter's wedding. AND...because it's Tuesday, it means that it's Two for Tuesdays Day. I love this event! I get to share REAL food with other bloggers who are like minded thinkers. Not only that - there are a number of hosts who post your creations on their blogs which automatically multiplies your exposure. I also get to see what other people are doing in the real food category. To find out more about how to participate and who's connected to this blog hopping event, make a point of visiting Girli Chef .

For the longest time, for health reasons, I wasn't allowed to eat Kale. It didn't really bother me too much since I didn't appreciate the value of this green.

So what's all the fuss about? Having an inquiring mind, I decided to do some research and get smarter on what's really good for me and now that my health does allow me to eat it, let's just give it a try. Here's what I found. Firstly, this incredible green has more nutritional value for fewer calories than almost any other food around. It's anti cancer properties are widely known. Kale is totally packed with nutrients:

Pretty impressive, no? There are pages of positive attributes - let me just send you over to the World's Healthiest Food Site and see for yourself.

Moving right along - I wanted to make something that highlited kale and found an interesting recipe at All Things Nice for Kale and Bacon Quiche.

A bunch of green kale, roughly chopped and cut away from the middle rib.
Several rashers of good quality, thinly sliced smoked bacon
1 medium white onion, diced
1 tbs olive oil
3/4 cup of Buffalo Parmesan, grated (I used regular parmesan)
5 large eggs
3/4 cup of whole milk
1/2 cup of whipping cream
1 tsp of sea salt
1/2 tsp of freshly ground black pepper
1 sheet of pie dough

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  • Butter the pie tin and press the pie pastry along the base and up the sides. Brush the pastry with a little olive oil. Set aside.
  • Heat the remaining olive oil in a fry pan over medium heat and saute the onions until they are slightly browned. Add the kale and fry for about 3 minutes or until it has wilted slightly. Remove from heat and set aside.
  • Fry the bacon strips until they a little crispy. Remove and drain on paper towels.
  • Next, spread the bacon, kale and onion over the base of the pie shell.
  • Beat the eggs and mix in the milk, cream, Parmesan, salt and pepper. Blend well and pour into pie shell.
  • Bake for 15 minutes in the preheated oven at 450 degrees.
  • Lower the oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another 10-15 minutes or until the centre of the quiche is almost firm.
  • Remove the quiche from the oven and let it stand for about 10 minutes before serving.

  • Verdict: It's fabulous!!!


    1. Nice to offer some healthy options for a quiche! Love the kale in this!

    2. Yeah, I think kale has the most nutrients per calorie of any food. I love it too! And with bacon....

      The other night, a friend gave me a bunch of regular kale (the kind you have)... I found it took much longer to cook than the Tuscan kale I have growing in my garden.

    3. I have never cooked with kale myself but ot stars in my future SIL fantastic soup from Portugal.Quiche is favourite around here so what better way to get my greens.

    4. Yummy! I just harvested a ton a kale from the garden & froze it to use later, this would be a great use

    5. I haven't ever tried kale but your recipe and information has encouraged me to try it!

    6. OMG, Giz...this post could NOT come at a better time for me. I have loads of beautiful Kale from our community garden...seriously, it's slowly creeping up and becoming one of my favorite things. We sauteed it with some sausage, carrots and pasta for breakfast this morning...although I almost wish I'd had your quiche instead! It sounds so delicious...I'll be saving it to put some more of the kale to good use soon! Thanks so much for your Two for Tuesdays & real food support =)

    7. Kale ROCKS!! I love quiche, it is so versatile! I just made one very similar to this with swiss chard in it - maybe next time I'll do it with kale!! Thanks!!

    8. I love kale and bacon, well that is a given. What a great versatile recipe. And healthy too!.

    9. I love Kale! And this quiche sounds absolutely wonderful! Bacon and Kale sounds like a Great combo! Thanks for adding this to our Two for Tuesday blog hop this week!

    10. I have two lonely liitle kale plants that have managed to hang on through the worst of our recent heat wave. I've been picking their outer leaves since april, so they look like kale palms. But I'm so glad they're tenacious, because I'd eat kale in just about anything. Thanks for bringing the greens to T4T.

    11. I absolutely adore kale and I know I would love this quiche! Looks like an amazing recipe to wake up to:)

    12. Bacon and Kale - two things I love, with eggs - I am in heaven! I am glad you linked this to Two for Tuesday!

    13. Giz, you are SOOO speaking my language here! You know you are a real foodie when the idea of KALE makes your mouth water more than a good steak! ;) Thanks so much for sharing on the two for tuesday recipe blog hop and you can bet your bippy,i am gonna be making this soon! :) Alex@amoderatelife

    14. This looks delicious, especially in that close-up first shot. I make a lot of veg-centric meals but don't do quiche nearly enough. I've got to change that.

    15. Mmmm, kale is the best tasting health food ever (apart maybe from blueberries!!). What was in it that you previously weren't alowed to eat? Phosphates? Potassium
