
Sunday, September 4, 2011

President's Choice Back to School

I'm not sure who has the greater level of anxiety during the last long weekend of the summer, parents or children. Starting or going back to school is so complicated. No more staying up late, maybe a new school, new friends (a very scary prospect), new teachers, new routine. That's alot when you're a young child. Mom and/or dad have their own set of anxiety provokers - school supplies, new clothes, new indoor and outdoor shoes, a cool looking backpack, car pools, making sure you have copies of everything you need, lots of blank cheques to pay for school trips, yearbooks, pictures etc. Then you stop for a minute to catch a breath and realize the family is coming for a bbq. Oh Oh!!!

You're planning what's going into lunch boxes, what for after school snacks and what for dinner?

Sit back, pour yourself a cup of coffee and pick up the most recent President's Choice Back to School Insider's Report Ahhh, there's nothing like a good whole bean cup of brew to make things right with the world. This edition of the Insider's Report has an A-Z in making life less complicated for every member of the family; whether it's time to feed the baby...

or clean up ..

creating special lunches ...

Go ahead and include snacks especially when you know they not only taste good but that they've been prepared in a peanut free environment .Chocolate chip mini muffins, granola bars and even brownies; the choices are large and in a busy day, don't we all want those extra minutes to accomplish other things?

After school snacks or dinner can be as casual as ..

or a wonderful plate of sauced meatballs or pulled pork ...

or a slow cooked Coq au Vain (you can even find the recipe in the Insider's Report ...

Even with the fullest of tummies, how is it possible to say no to this unique Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream ...

Put the dishwasher on "express cycle" using your PC Greenworks tabs that use 31% less chemicals to clean your dishes,

Time to treat yourself to a couple of cosmic sour candies before everyone else finds them. They're not too sour and you're satisfied with just 2.

I've only given you a small smattering of what you'll find in the Back to School Insider's Report. So many new products to try and great tips on how to pack a healthier lunch box. I'll share more of the products as I try them. The new PC Blue Menu Vegetarian Scallopine looks pretty interesting to me as do the Mini Ciabatta buns.


  1. Starting something new is scary no matter what your age is!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
