
Monday, October 10, 2011

Hourly Photo Project

Andrea at A Peak Inside the Fishbowl is holding an hourly photo event to commemorate Canadian Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving!

To participate, you take one photo every hour, on the hour, for ten hours. The goal is to get ten photos from where you happen to be at that time.

It has been a couple of years since I last participated, which you can see here.

Let's get started with this year's hourly photo project...

5:20am: Not loving my new wakeup time.  I'm not sure why I keep waking up at 5:00 on the weekend, particularly when I spend the week looking forward to sleeping in on the weekend.

With any luck, there will be a delay before my next photo, meaning that I managed to fall back asleep.

9:00am -- Yay!  Got a couple more hours of sleep.  

Now I'm up and surveying the damage from yesterday's Thanksgiving dinner.  Giz and I (with R's help) cooked for 11.  Here's some of the damage:


Funny story... A few weeks ago was Baba's (my grandmother) birthday.  She turned 89.  Baba decided to make "full" use of the birthday special (free dozen bagels) at the bagel store that my family frequents.  After visiting one franchise, she worried that she wouldn't have enough to give to both my mom and Auntie Takeout.  So, she got my mom to take her to a second bagel store and get another birthday special.  

I decided to pull a birthday prank.  I got R to give her a call, pretending to work for the bagel company.  He does a great job of playing the "straight man."  He asked her how many bagel stores she visited and how many birthday specials she had used.  He explained that she is only allowed to have one dozen free bagels for her birthday.  

Poor Baba nearly had a heart attack.  After she tried to plead ignorance, she just went silent.  Finally, I took the phone and after catching my breath from laughing hysterically, I yelled "Just kidding Baba!"  #elderabuse   

11:00am -- working hard...

We're heading out for a few hours...So, my next updates may be a bit delayed.  

Several hours later....

Oops - that took longer than expected. But, I did take hourly photos!

12:00pm -- We met up with Auntie Takeout et al. and the Bubster (Baba) and went apple picking.

1:00pm -- Guess what kind of apple this is!

2:00pm -- Back seat driver, Suki

3:00pm -- Lunch at Auntie Takeouts. Love bagels with tuna and egg salad.  (Yes -- I know -- second bagel of the day.  It's getting excessive.)

4:00pm -- Getting ready for the game.

5:00pm -- Gotta love anthropomorphized fruit:

That marks the last of my 10 photos!  It's 5:30 now and our last evening at Giz's.  Tomorrow, we drive back to Ottawa.  So it's probably time we start discussing plans for the rest of the evening.  


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Psychgrad! Say hello to your mom, and eat plenty of turkey for me:D

  2. I'm with Pam. I love seeing your day.
