
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bloggeraid: Because We Can Help - ROUNDUP

I thought starting our roundup, that some information on statistics for world poverty would be powerful. As I spent time researching, I found it to be a lot more than powerful. The statistics are mind boggling and if you'd like to read more, please follow these stats.

Judging by the momentum that's growing at the BloggerAid Forum , I truly believe we have many people who really and truly would like to be able to help but don't really know how. Sometimes it just takes a few ideas to stimulate more ideas. That's what's been happening and we're all looking forward to full steam ahead in the new year.

Equal Opportunity Kitchen sent out a call for recipes that you would feed for hungry guests who came into your home. We're thrilled to see the entries from people who are connected to this cause.


Nuria of Spanish Recipes makes Goulash Soup. Even though Nuria is not Hungarian, isn't it wonderful how easily she can adapt culturally with a dish that could feed an army.

and also
Nuria's bean porridge , Spanish soul food that comes complete with tips on beans.

Ning of Heart and Hearth introduces us to a Filipino staple called Milkfish Stewed in Vinegar. Made with simple ingredients one can easily see how this lovely dish could feed so many.

Soma from eCurry bakes a beautiful Spiced Cranberry Raisin Bundt Cake

Gloria from Cookbook Cuisine comforts us with Mucho Meatloaf. The smell of meatloaf in the oven creates a memory of home like no other.

Yasmeen of Health Nut baked up this incredible Fruit Challah with Cranberry Preserves . It's festive, it's staple and it's complete with something to put on it. I'm in love.

Val of More Than Burnt Toast loads up the hospitality with Cranberry Chicken. How appetizing does that look!!!

Ivy from Kopiaste brings us Cuckoos Nest Chocolate Cake. Ivy laboured over this cake and admits it was an involved process. She made it for her husband's "name day" and the labour was entirely worth it. This is a special cake indeed and how nice that something so special is shared with this event.

Ohio Mom Cooking in Cleveland In the true spirit, OM has taken literally scraps and made an incredible soup.

Harini at Tum Yum Treats shows us how to make light rotis and includes a song that speaks to hunger. The words and meaning can be found on Harini's blog.

Dharm at Dad Baker and Chef prepares Roast Lamb with an Asian Twist.. Because of the cost, having a leg of lamb for dinner is truly a special event dinner. When this cut came from Australia with "the lovely wife", Dharm shared it with all of us.

Deeba from Passionate about Baking quotes
"The war against hunger is truly mankind's war of liberation."
John F. Kennedy.
Shared is her Spicy Lamb in Black Pepper.

Michelle at Bleeding Espresso serves up Fried Baccala


Baccala with Tomatoes

Jen from A2EATWRITE prepared two gorgeous and hearty soups. The first is Jen's Rockin Vegetable Soup


The world's easiest (and BEST) Chicken Noodle Whatever Soup.

Navita from Zaayeka cooks up her Lentils in Creamy Sauce. Beans provide such complete nutrition and can feed many for so little.

City Girl from City Girl Lifestyle prepared Shrimp Scampi Pasta with Feta. Quick to prepare, packed with goodness and "that" good.

Diane of The Pittsburgh Deli delights us with latkes. You never have to ask me twice to sit down for latkes with sour cream...yum yum.

Rachel from The Crispy Cook delivers an intriguing appetizer called Chili Fried Shrimp. Nice and easy and so easy to just pop in your mouth.

Ramya of Ramya's Kitchen Corner baked these fabulous croissants. I hope you baked alot - we're all on our way.

Marie from Proud Italian Cook offers up a Veggie Ribbon Pasta.

Notyet100 of Asankhana somehow managed to put together this feast in 3 hours while her husband was sleeping.

Jeanne from Cook Sister knows how comforting Quick Chilli Con Carne can be. It can be vegetarian or meat and stretches a very far way.

Psychgrad at Equal Opportunity Kitchen features her first pork loin ever. I suspect there's no stopping her now.

Giz at Equal Opportunity Kitchen

This event has been very enlightening to us. We've made many new friends in the blogging world through this event - all of whom we feel very appreciative of. Some of the personal notes and kind words sent by email have been heartwarming and gives us motivation to continue on our quest. Thank you for being a part of this event and we're looking forward to seeing more of all of you as we continue on our journey.


  1. Such an awesome round-up! Thanks for all your hard work and also for digging up those stats. Truly disturbing, and shows exactly why we need to do more to fight hunger and poverty in the world.

  2. You did an excellent job of the round up Giz highlighting every dish perfectly and making them the star.We need to all be aware of what we can accomplish in our own pocket of the world to help those less fortunate.

  3. Pass the Baccala, that looks great. My Chili-Fried Shrimp contribution got left out of the roundup, Giz. Would you like me to send you the email again?

    Happy New Year to all and I look forward to working with you folks at Blogger Aid in 2009 on this important issue of hunger.

  4. That is so awesome...loved the round up! And as for the stats...they are scary!
    Hope we can make a difference.

    Wishes for a great new year dear.

  5. Rachel - so very sorry - my screw up. I've added it.

  6. Great Roundup! One day a child will ask not only "what is war", but "what is hunger" ?

  7. You did a great job Giz both with the roundup and the information given. Imagine those stats were in 2005. I am sure they must be much worse now in 2008. I hope that all of us will contribute one way or the other, each one of us in the way we can, because WE CAN HELP!

  8. You simply rock. The blog is fabulous. do check mine..
    Happy new year!

  9. What a beautiful round-up Giz, for such a powerful event. Hunger in the world can never be underestimated, & here in India, I see it in every frame whenever I step out. Thanks for making this huge effort; 'you made a difference'!!
    Hope you have a wonderful new year, filled with loads of joy, warmth & happiness! xoxox Deeba

  10. Yes, the stats are disturbing but in India we have more disturbing scenes too, so we know its real!! Thanks for hosting a really thoughtful event, and a beautiful round up!

    Wish You a Very Happy New Year!!

  11. A fantastic roundup
    for a deserving cause
    by a fantastic lady
    and her lovely gal

    Humph, not much of a poet am I??!! Have a Blessed 2009 and i am SO glad I had the honour and privilege to become freinds with you and Psychgrad this year. Happy New Year!

  12. I was sad I didn't have time to participate in this event, rough month of December, but I'm happy to see such a wonderful, generous round up! Good work guys!

  13. Great roundup and great research. It's easy to forget how incredibly lucky we are to have the necessities to live a healthy life.

    I plan to join your efforts in the new year. Hope you have a lovely start to 2009.

  14. This is wonderful Giz, a great turn out for the first round up. The stats are enough to make you wanna cry. We should all be truly thankful for what we have.

  15. What a fabulous roundup - sorry I didn't get a chance to participate oin this occasion. So many wonderful recipes!

  16. Happy New Year! What a fabulous round-up with so many dishes to try! Thanks!

  17. The stats make me so sad, yet remind that I should to be thankful to have what i do & more...
    wonderful round up.
