
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Worst daughter & blogger EVER

I don't know what happened...I started a post saying, "Oh man -- has it been 2 weeks since I've last posted"...Next thing I know - this post was written for me by a not so mysterious author...I think there's a hint in there for me somewhere.

Oh man - has it been WELL over a month since I last posted? My mother is wondering if I even remember how to create an html or remember the address to this food blog. Moving has completely consumed life for the past forever and I think I'll continue using this excuse for as long as I can. Between packing, painting the new house (ourselves), moving (with the help of friends), unpacking and setting up the house -- I'm exhausted! I need a lifetime to recover and I don't see an immediate end to the work (depending on how laid back I choose to be). I have a backup excuse - somehow Zoombrowser got lost on my computer and I can't upload pictures. That's a great excuse since Giz bought it. I could be in trouble very soon though since Giz does have a disc with zoombrowser on it and by the end of the holidays I'll have to reinvent a new excuse.

Frankly, the truth is I'm feeling kind of meh and have no interest in blogging. I'd rather take a vacation somewhere warm and have people serve me and have drinks with umbrellas at the pool. I know you'll forgive me - it's Giz I have to worry about. When she tells me she posted I say - good. What I really mean is Whew!!! I'm off the hook for a few more days.


  1. Oooh, those ARE good excuses. Nice job. Someplace warm and cocktails with umbrellas sounds perfect. Can I come? I tried to convince a friend of mine to take her New Year's vacation in Paris to see me and she said "um, I was thinking somewhere WARM, but thanks anyway" ;-) oh well. I hope she'll send a postcard.

  2. I'm with you Psychgrad...somewhere warm would be a blessing right now. We hope your Christmas is filled with joy, laughter and many kitchen successes in the New Year.

  3. When you find the time and the place for that vacation, let me know. I’ll join you. ;)
    Happy Holidays!

  4. I know the feeling! But I'm glad to "see" you and hear what's going on... don't suppose you have a fireplace in the new house?

  5. I wouldn't worry too much about it buddy, this is the zany, crazy season. I'm just glad you're having fun moving in, and the dust is settling. Have a great holiday and a warm new year :)

  6. I think we all need a break from it sometimes & setting up a new house is so time consuming

  7. If you find someone to send you on a vacation to somewhere warm with umbrella drinks, ask if you can bring me along.
