
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New House

Now it's time for a real post. I'll try to get this one done before visiting Giz lest I hear about my lack of posting all weekend.

Let me tell you about the house. It'll be a ongoing story because we're still working on it and because I am having a hard time getting the more recent pictures off of my camera.

We took possession of the house on November 13th. I was initially excited about the move and having to deal with a difficult (read: insane) landlord helped to heightened the excitement of leaving the renters market. But the day we took possession and went into the empty house, I had some pretty strong buyers remorse. R and I sat in the living room and thought -- oh crap -- what did we do? I then spent the rest of my night wanting to "be by myself".

I guess there was nothing really wrong with the place, but walking into an empty house that is painting in a soft pink throughout and smelled of just didn't feel right.

We spent the week painting (after work and on the weekend). As more paint went on the wall, I started to feel somewhat better.

There's something satisfying in knowing that the former owners would probably be really pissed off to see their pink walls painted over. It's also pretty empowering to see such a change that stems from your own efforts -- instant gratification.

After 2 coats, I was really thrilled with the colour. I know it's not for everyone -- but I love it.

Don't worry - the space is split up -- dining room is burgundy and the connected living room is a sand-like colour.

The office and bedroom downstairs were both painted this colour -- but both rooms still need work to finish setting them up.

Saying goodbye to the old apartment was a bit sad -- we both really loved the place. Here's a final shot of the apartment:

Tomorrow we head off to Giz's for what promising too be way too much food. I'll keep you posted on progress made in the house.

Happy holidays to everyone!!!


  1. I absolutley LOVE the colors. And I'm glad you posted. Happy holidays PG! ♥

  2. Great colours! Looks like you did a great job painting too! Happy Holidays.

  3. I think It's hard not to have a little buyer's remorse after buying something as big as a house. I know with ours we started painting two hours after we signed the papers & got the keys

  4. Merry Christmas and congrats on your new home! Love the colors you have used. Great to make a new homw yours through color.

  5. Oh I love your colors, I have strong colors in my home too. Best wishes in your new home.

  6. Love the colors! We have similar colors to your dinning room in our living room. (Our dinning room is orange.) Enjoy getting settled in!

  7. All the work involved in a new home can be exhausting but ultimately rewarding - enjoy!

    Love your colour choices.

  8. Wishing you wonderful times in your new home- which is already looking awesome. What a great way to start a new decade.
