
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Heirloom Tomato Salad - Two for Tuesdays


Two for Tuesdays
is the brainchild of Alex from A Moderate Life and joined by Heather of Girlichef
Alex began this event on her site as a day to link up one (or two) of your blog posts that featured REAL FOOD. Recipes, anecdotes, stories, photos, reviews...anything your blogged about featuring REAL food. What is REAL food, you ask? Think: slow food, traditional food, hand-prepared food, nourishing that is NOT that doesn't come from a that your great-grandmother would have made &/or eaten. REAL food is homemade. REAL food is from scratch. REAL food has recognizable ingredients. REAL food is made from traditional ingredients. REAL food is food you make with your own hands...from food grown, milled, raised by you or by people (not machines). Think family farmer. Think farmer's market. Think garden. Think local grain mill. Think REAL.

This event gets a big thumbs up. How people think and eat is going through a change, a movement of sorts. People are becoming more conscious about where food comes from and what they injest and feed to their families. For me, speaking about real food makes me think local, fresh, in season and reading Michael Pollan.

This week I couldn't resist the heirloom tomatoes. I'm so hooked on this salad and I'm sure it's been made before but I just put together things I had in my fridge

3 heirloom tomatoes, sliced thick
handful of snap peas
1/4 cup pitted kalamata olives
1/4 cup crumbled feta
drizzle with fruity olive oil ***
top with a little ground pepper
fresh basil over the top (my first patio harvest)

*** You may remember me introducing the new PC EVOO that I received in a promotional package from President's Choice.

Made in Chile, this olive oil is such a wonderful marriage with tomatoes, feta and olives.


  1. That salad is the perfect "real food".

  2. Great for summer lunch. I didn't know Chile produced olive oil - but they produce wine and the two seem to go hand-in-hand in agriculture so I guess it's not too far a stretch.

  3. This would make a delicious lunch Giz. Sice we also produce wine in BC I have often wondered if we should try olives too. We do have a native olive tree but the fruit is miniscule.

  4. REAL beautiful, colorful salad. That could be my lunch today!

  5. A very tempting salad and I do so agree with you about real, locally produced food. See my blog post today!

  6. I def agree with you regarding the change toward eating "real food". Nothing is more simpler and easier than what you have prepared in this gorgeous dish. I love heirloom tomatoes.

  7. Perfect! Heirloom tomatoes are some of the tastiest, juiciest treasures of summer...this salad is wonderful =) And I agree about Michael Pollan...Food Rules is my "guide" of sorts...what I've always tried to follow, but now on paper, LOL! Thanks so much for sharing the REAL food love with us at Two for Tuesdays!!!

  8. Oh, this salad looks so light and fresh and yummy! Thanks so much for sharing it on our Two for Tuesday blog hop!
