
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wedding Shower

The circle of life is an interesting journey don't you think. After graduation, whether it be high school or any post secondary school many of your friends start to get married. At that point it's showers, maybe you're standing up for a friend at their wedding (think movie 28 Dresses) or even getting married yourself. It's all a whirlwind of activity, gifts and parties.

The following phase is usually the baby phase. Some may opt out of this phase. Then it's showers, gifts and a whirlwind of activity. Fast forward to the first day of school, the crying, the parents worrying about whether their child will ever adjust. We run around signing up for tee ball, gymnastics, swimming lessons, hockey to make sure our children have the best possible exposure to a variety of things. I call this phase the taxi phase and you're the taxi.

Graduations, sweet 16's, rights of passage, gifts and parties and proms and new drivers all scare the heck out of you. This phase is the car rental phase. You own the car but don't get to charge for the rental. You just get to pay unusually high insurance fees for your inexperienced driver. We won't even talk about the dings, scratches and accidents.

Now I'm in the recurring cycle of showers, weddings, gifts and parties. Unless it's your event, it's pretty stress free and I admit, it's fun watching these toddlers grow up are now getting married. This past weekend was one of the shower events. I must admit, I was pretty quiet and deep in thought about the journey of the beautiful young bride to be - beaming, really grown up and totally beautiful.

The Bride to Be

Her Chair

The Alcohol (my first stop after realizing how old I am)

The Food (logical next place to visit)

Spicy Shrimp

Roast Beef Appetizer

Mini Wraps

Skewers of Chicken with Mango, Caprese Combo

Crab Cakes

Cheese Cups

The Gifts

Everyone brought one of their favourite recipes to create a starter cookbook for Janis. Some even made the recipe and brought it for her to sample to make sure she likes it.

The Cake

Don't you love it when someone's taking a picture of you taking a picture of them

And... on the way out, lovely gifts for the partiers.

The moral of the story - no matter what stage you're at - ENJOY THE JOURNEY!!!


  1. I'm assuming you didn't cater this lovely spread since you said it was 'stress free'. I love your life cycle timeline and so agree with your philosophy to enjoy the journey.

  2. It reminds me of sating I have on the wall, "life is in the journey, not at the end of the road". It's inevitable that the circle of life just keeps going and going.

  3. I love the idea of a starter cookbook with friends' and relatives' favorite recipes! What a lovely gift. So, what recipe did you put in??

  4. Looks like a really great party

  5. Thanks so much for the reminder....enjoy the journey! My two daughters just had a birthday and I was heart-broken (4 and 2)...where does the time go!? However, I managed only to stay sad for a little as I remember how much living we have left and how many more celebrations to celebreate!

  6. Beautiful layout and the bride to be looked very happy indeed. As I'm sure everyone else was! lol

  7. Love your depiction of the stages of the true! What a lovely bride-to-be and smashing selection of food. The starter cookbook idea is great since this group of toddlers grown up often didn't learn to cook as they are masters of take-out. Thanks for sharing the day.
