Friday, August 17, 2012

Tilapia with Mushrooms

I like to eat healthy but must admit that fish somehow never makes the top of the list when I'm planning meals.  I'm trying to change and really have to make a conscious effort to include it in my diet.

While in the grocery store I noticed some really fresh tilapia and remembered seeing a recipe on Pinterest that looked pretty unintimidating.  Although the  recipe was more involved, I adapted to my own taste and was hugely surprised at how simple, delicious and satisfying this meal was.  So for all of you who are iffy about fish or concerned about not knowing how to cook it, fear no more - so so simple.

2 pieces of tilapia
8 oz mushrooms, sliced
1 Tbsp butter, margarine or oil 
2 Tbsp of water

Heat 1 Tbsp of butter in a skillet over medium heat.  Saute the mushrooms and the water.  Cook until the water has evaporated and the mushrooms are mostly cooked (about 5-8 mins).   While the mushrooms are cooking, spice the tilapia on both sides.  I used Trader Joe's 21 Salute (my very favourite spice mix).

Add tilapia to the skillet and sear until cooked (about 3 minutes per side)

Place the tilapia on the serving dish and spoon the mushrooma  over the top.  I added some sweet potato fries.     

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Marcello's Pizzeria on Urbanspoon

Marcello's Pizzeria

For some reason Italian food has been my craving for the past couple of weeks. My sister said that Marcello's at 3175 Rutherford Road in Vaughan, ON was recommended by one of the soccer moms so why not, let's give it a try. I'll offer Marcello's the benefit of the doubt since we all have bad days but this experience was probably one of the top 5 worst restaurant experiences I've had in a long while. 

The restaurant is extremely loud. I can forgive loud, it's a family restaurant. We asked to sit out on the terrace thinking it would be more quiet. That was a mistake - one of the patrons thought it was cute to see her kids running and screaming just outside the fencing of the restaurant. All could be forgiven if the meals were sensational but alas, not to be.

The food was heavily salted, luke warm and visually just ok.  One of the orders was incorrect but no offer to correct it.  We eventually called over the manager who was apologetic but couldn't do anything about the screaming kids or the unfortunate meals.  Doubtful we'll go back again.

Nino d'Aversa Bakery on Urbanspoon

Nino D'Aversa

Nino D'Aversa for their wonderful cakes so we decided to try out the newly renovated restaurant/deli and see if it lived up to previous standards.

Sorry to say this one was a disappointment too. The pastries are typical Italian pastries and very delicious but rather small portioned. I had a cup of tea and a pastry and when I asked for a water refill for the tea I was advised I would have to pay for a second cup of tea???? WTF??? Who does that?

In the back of the store there are artisan breads and deli meats. My companion went to get some buns and was told there's a difference if you eat it in the restaurant or take it out. So, $.60/bun if you take out and $1.20 if you eat in. This is also true for anything you buy at the pastry counter. Have you ever run into this before and how would you react. My reaction was insult and thought there are enough delis and pastry shops around that I didn't feel I would want to return. StumbleUpon

Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's a Girl!!!!

This is not a post about food.  Nope.  No Siree!!!!

Psychgrad had a baby girl on August 3rd at 6:10 p.m.  Baby "E" was 8 lb. 9 oz and she's perfect.

Baby, Mom and "R" are all doing well and enjoying the wonder of a new life.



Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Best of the Beach with the Cooking Light Virtual Supper Club

I don't know about you but this summer so far has been a scorcher.  In Eastern Canada it's not just about the heat; adding the humidity and smog factors to the mix generally make me rather crabby and not wanting to spend much time outdoors.  BUT, if it's hot and we decide we're going to the beach AND we have a great bunch of food to take with us, that frown turns upside down pretty quickly.

I'm all for refreshing and decided that I would bring some   Fresh Ginger Beer..  Originally a drink brewed in England (fitting in tribute to the 2012 Olympic Games), it caught on pretty quickly in North America and is almost always a soft drink.  If you love ginger, this is definitely for you.  Not only is it really delicious, it's good for you too.

  • Ingredients
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 1 cup fresh lime juice
  • 4 teaspoons bottled ground fresh ginger (such as Spice World)
  • 3/4 cup superfine sugar
  • 3 cups sparkling water
  • Lime slices (optional)


Combine water, juice, and ginger in a blender; process until blended.
Line a strainer with cheesecloth. Strain mixture over a pitcher; discard solids. Add sugar to pitcher; stir until dissolved.
Add sparkling water just before serving. Serve over ice. Garnish with lime slices, if desired.
If you can't find superfine sugar, place granulated sugar in a blender, and process until fine. You can find bottled ground fresh ginger in the produce section of the supermarket.

Have a peek and see what the other members of the Cooking Light Virtual Supper Club brought to the beach:

Our menu includes BBQ Chicken Sliders, Salt Rock Roasted Shrimp, Tuna and Red Pepper Pasta Salad and of course, we're washing it down with Ginger Beer.  This is a good day at the beach!

Sandi of The Whistestop Café  Cooking-
Jerry of Jerrys Thoughts, Musings and Rants - 
 Val – More Than Burnt Toast –

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