Can I just take a moment to have a brief pity party?
After months of questions about when I would come to Winnipeg (the coldest city with a population over 500,000...also the city I grew up in), I finally caved. R was planning to be out of town for work, so I decided to take E to go meet the rest of my side of the family.
Six days seemed like more than enough time to spend here in the winter. Until...I got an ear infection that wouldn't go away.
Fast forward two and a half weeks and, we're still here.
Why do people subject themselves to this weather?!? It was -27 Celsius for most of this week. Not pleasant. I spent last night with a large warmed up grain bag on me.
I finally got the okay to fly home. But, since we're just a couple of days before Passover, I'm sticking around until after the first seder.
Written last week:
I'm back in Ottawa! I still can't hear well out of one ear. But, I'm happy to be home and happy that family got to spend a lot of time with E.
We spent the first seder in Winnipeg. Thankfully, my dad (who usually likes to draw out the seder with "teachable moments") did the expedited version. We all got a kick out of E finding the Afikoman.
One thing that really helped for our trip was having some homemade preserved apple sauce that I could use in a pinch. I haven't been married to any one approach to feeding E solid food. Sometimes I give her purees and sometimes I go with a more baby-led approach. She loves putting inedible things in her mouth...but isn't much for actually putting the food in her mouth. She'll usually have a couple of small bites of food and then lose interest.
But, apple sauce seems to be one of her preferred foods.
A couple of days before leaving, I made apple sauce out of a three pound bag of Granny Smith apples.

My goal was to freeze a ice cube tray's worth and can the rest.
I kept the ingredients simple -- the peeled and cored apples were boiled with about half a cup of water and a cinnamon stick.
After about 15 minutes on a light boil, it was pretty sauce-like already. But I blended it with an immersion blender.
I got an ice cube tray
and six 125 ml. jars.
Next I'm going to make some pear sauce.
Below are some of the other purees I've made (carrots, leak and potato soup and squash soup):