It's strange how one day you're announcing the birth of your firstborn...and then the next it's his/her 3rd (10th...20th..25th..) birthday.
1st Birthday
2nd Birthday
A few days ago, we celebrated E's 3rd birthday.
I finally got to use the cupcake cake form that Giz decided should live at my house. I used Barefoot Contessa's Ultimate Chocolate Cake recipe. I was worried that the batter was too liquidy and would fall apart once removed from the pan, but everything came out perfectly.
Actually, this was her second birthday cake, since we had an early birthday celebration in Toronto, with a Minion-themed family birthday party.
Our friends came over for dinner on her birthday and I tried out a new recipe, 20 Minute Skillet Chicken and Spinach Parmesan. It was a yummy recipe that I would definitely use again.