This post is feeling very dejected. It deserved swift, full recognition, but got put on the back burner unjustifiably. So, let me make it up by giving my Patty Pan Patties, or fritters if you prefer, their due time in the limelight.
Not to mention, after all of the cake we’ve been making, I could use a vegetable post. The inspiration from this dish comes from the patty pan squash I bought.
After grilling it on the bbq, which was tasty, I didn’t know what else to do with it. So, I figured I would give grating it a try.
Truth be told, I don’t remember what exactly went into these fritters (hanging head in shame – it was that long ago). But, here are the basic components:
8 patty pan squash
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese
1/4 parsley
kernels from one ear of corn
1/4 cup of bread crumbs
1 egg
salt & pepper, to taste
Blend together and form fritters. Fry in about 3-4 tbsp of olive oil.
I also made a cherry tomato dressing. My memory is also vague on this one. I know I cut the tomatoes in half, cooked them with garlic, salt and pepper and maybe a splash of white wine.
Good meal all around. I'm kind of craving some more right now.
I'm submitting the fritters to Culinarty's Original Recipe Event.
A few exciting tidbits:
-I’m planning a cooking weekend, so I’m sure we’ll have more to share with you soon. Not to mention an A+ birthday cake I made for R’s birthday.
- We went to a restaurant that would definitely make my favourite restaurant list (not that I have a specific list). I’ll tell you all about that soon.
- We’re hosting Presto Pasta Nights next week! More details to come.
- Now that Giz has unpacked most of her boxes, she sent out the awards for our 2nd Tried, Tested and True event!
- The pairings for the 2nd Adopt-A- Blogger came out today!
We’ve been paired with Hopie's Kitchen – a blog I already know and love. We’ll be making a post highlighting Hopie’s blog from Paris soon. How many Americans do you know who live in Paris and write a food blog bilingually? None? Well – now you know one. Go check out Hopie’s Kitchen!

Such a cute squash! I love all the courgette/zucchini/squash patties and fritters out there and can't ever get enough of them. Thanks for feeding my craving and sharing your patty pan patties with Original Recipes!
I have so much squash these look great!
Great idea for making patty pan patties, I saved some seed from this squash and this idea will stay in my mind for next summer.
Your patty pan fritters look fabulous! Especially with the tomato dressing.
What a great way to use squash! The squash look so cute :)
Oh my version of squash patties came out so bad, yours looks so much better I'll have to try it.
I think "patty pan" is such a cute name for these - they aren't common over here!
Loving the fritters!
I've only had patty pan squash once, and I really liked it. This sounds like a great way to serve it!
I love it! I really do!
I've been wanting to try patty pan squash for a long time - this looks like a fun way to use it!! My kids will eat anything named "fritter."
My family used to make these when I was younger....or at least something really similar. They always were delicious and yours look fantastic as well.
Can I tell you that I laughed at the fact you didn't remember what you put in? "I know I sliced a tomato..." OK, I didn't laugh at YOU...just just you DID... or...didn't do. Oh, how I hope I haven't made you mad lol
Hey Nik - didn't you just laugh at my torah cake disaster too? I'm either really funny...or really pathetic.
Either way - it's cool.
I just started grated veggies this week. Next week I may even start using the food processor grating attachment.
I would never have thought to make patties out of these little beauties:D
i'm such a fan of alliteration. :)
meanwhile, i think i've tried every variety of squash in the world except patty pan. i just can't find any! your fritters look great. :)
We don't get these little squash but I bet they will also be great with pumpkin.
I haven't seen these little squash anywhere? They look fab and Im sure taste fab too
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