Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

Today is Canada's 142 birthday!
Here are some pictures from Canada Days past:

The Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, arriving at Parliament Hill to watch the celebrations:

Michaëlle Jean, the Governor General (the Queen's representative):

We're still debating whether to make our way to the hill for the festivities. R went briefly and said he couldn't see anything. There's about 45,000 people around there at the moment.

I'll leave you with this video of Sarah McLachlan. She is performing twice today and just finished singing this song:



Melissa said...

Ah, I love Sarah M.

Happy Canada Day Giz, Psychgrad and R!

OhioMom said...

Happy Canada Day!

Nic said...

Hope you enjoy your special holiday! Happy Canada Day to you all.

Dewi said...

Happy Canada Day! Hope you have a wonderful celebration.

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Happy Canada Day Guys!!!!

Ricki said...

Hope you all had a great Canada Day!

Adam said...

Hey Happy Canada Day... well a little late :) Hope you guys had a great time, and celebrated with that leftover carrot cake, it looks awesome :) Before 5pm that is...

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