Today is the 12th day of the 12th month of 2012. So I'm going to try to post one photo per hour for every hour. This may just turn into 12 pictures of Ms. E (my four month old). The twelve photos event is being hosted by Miss Fish. This is the second time I'm participating in an hourly photo event (here's the first time).
5:30 am - managed to get Ms. E to go to sleep early yesterday. In turn, she woke up at I'm hoping she'll tire herself out on the playmat.
9:00 am -The mat worked. We got another couple hours of sleep. Here Ms. E was nursing until she saw my smartphone - a distracting device for sure.
10:00am - catching up on dishes while baby "naps" -- turns out she wasn't in a deep enough sleep to stay asleep after being put down in crib. So, she spent time looking around her crib and sucking on a blanket.
11:00am - Visit to Milkface -- a local store that sells babywearing and nursing attire.

12:00ish - returned books to the library and picked out 6 new baby books. This is mostly for us since we get bored of the same books. I don't know if Ms. E even notices -- she's more interested in scratching, shutting and trying to eat the books.
1:00ish - looking at the "to do" list. Yes, "put old hockey back in the garbage" is on the list. Gotta have items that are easy to accomplish (and that get R to part with his ratty old bag that is sitting on the floor of our garage).
2:00ish - reviewing a report. Got 2 pages in before E woke up. No idea how ppl work from home with a baby. (image deleted -- turned out clear enough to read when it's not a final draft)
3:00ish - love when my cloth diapers are all clean. I always thought a wipe warmer was frivilous. But, I've come to love mine because it allows me to easily use little washable "face" cloths instead of disposable wipes.
5:00ish - stack of baby clothes to be sorted. Need to come to terms with the outfits that no longer fit.
6:00ish - R is home and is reading one of the books from the library to Ms. E.
7:00ish -- clothes shuffled and back in closet -- out with the newborn-3 month, in with the 12 month sizes.
8:00ish -- looking for something interesting to take a picture of. So tired -- only interested in this:

I feel like when people tell you that you won't get sleep once you have a kid, you always assume they mean throughout the night. No one warns you that babies are better than roosters at getting up with the sun.
So far, E usually sleeps in. The 5am wake up is a rare thing for her. Often, I'm waking her up at 9 so that we can get the day going. This may just be because I don't put her to bed early enough at night. We're working on it.
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