But within the insanity came moments of success. Like these Savory Mini-Galettes. Over the summer I saw a bunch of great looking sweet galettes and a couple of savory ones and I really wanted to try making one myself. Ivy from Kopiaste...to Greek Hospitality is hosting a savory pie event. This was a great opportunity for me to finally try making a galette.

Savory Mini Galette
I quartered a sheet of puff pastry and fitted each quarter into a ramekin (sprayed with pam).

I added a layer of sliced zucchini, boiled chicken (leftover from chicken soup that I made on Saturday), sliced spinach, feta cheese and mushrooms.

After folding up the sides of the puff pastry, I put the ramekins in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 350. You could also add egg whites to help with the browning.

The galettes easily came out of the ramekins and were delicious.

If I had had more room, I would have added sun-dried tomatoes and artichokes. Now I'm looking forward to trying different variations.
A little reminder: We're hosting Presto Pasta Nights this week. Have a pasta dish? Don't be shy (check out the link for more details)! The roundup is posted on Friday, so the deadline is this Thursday.

Also, we'd like to acknowledge our recent award from Bunny. Bunny's oven produces wonderful dishes. But, if you ask me - I think it's the operator that holds the power. Bunny is my new cake rolling hero, so this award means a lot.

Kat from A Good Appetite blogs from Minneapolis. She has probably one of the most thorough blogs detailing her use of the CSA box. But her talents extend beyond the kitchen. I could only dream of having Kat's knitting talents. I would love to meet more knitting foodies.
Krysta at Evil Chef Mom is hilariously honest. I can definitely relate to Evil Chef Mom. Plus, she has great family recipes that use beautiful, fresh ingredients.
We'd also like to send this award to Hopie at Hopie's Kitchen. Hopie is our new adoptee. She makes a great range of dishes from her kitchen in Paris.
Peabody at Culinary Concotions by Peabody has a beautiful blog and her posts are making me want to look into adopting Cocker Spaniels. Pretty soon, I am going to try to convince Giz that we should make these cupcakes.
Deeba at Passionate About Baking consistently produces quality recipes and posts. I'm sad to see that I just missed her guest host for Bookmarked Recipes. Bookmarked Recipes comes from Ruth's Kitchen Experiments. The weekly roundup features recipes that we bookmark - either from other blogs, online websites, friends, cookbooks, etc. Basically - any recipe that you get from another source.

How awesome is that! I love it, love it. Cool presentation too.
Wow, this is great. I have to get some of those ramekins, you've made so many great things in there. Thanks for sending your entry. Don't forget to e-mail me.
Thanks for the award. And you should adopt a cocker spaniel, they are very lovable. ;)
Congratulations on the Award!!! You deserve it so :D!!!
YOur savory mini-galettes look so appealing to me... MMmmmmm. Thanks for the idea!
Thanks for the award! I put it up on my blog -- very proud :-) Those mini-galettes present beautifully and I bet they taste good too!
Lovely! The Galettes look so delicious. Whenever I bake puff pastry in ramekins, the bottom is always a little under cooked and soggy - but I guess thats because I use a 'wet' filling. Must try it with your ingredients! Glad you are hosting PPN! Must send you an entry! :) Hugs!
I LOVE the idea for these galettes...savoury anything is up my street & savoury this just ROCKS! They look so pretty & have such a load of interesting stuff in there. What a GREAT idea! Congrats on the award, & a HUGE Thanks for passing it on to me. How sweet are you...I'm elated of course!! I'd adopt cocker spaniels anydayI love them, but have 2 kids that keep me far too busy. I do babysit a cousin's sweet cocker called Joy sometimes...real sweetheart she is (the dog I mean)!! OK I'd better go now...thanks once again & have a great day!!
I eat a lot of rubbish for lunch because it's just me; naturally, those mini galettes look like a pretty good idea!
I wonder why both the pie and the crepe share the same name, hmm...
BTW, Ive got a pasta I hope to send your way sometime soo...I'd better make a note of the date...
Ah thanks for the award! Those galette look lovely, I'm so inspired by hoe you made them in the ramekins, I've never seen that before
Great idea Giz! It turned chicken soup into like a pseudo-pot pie, but they look much nicer :)
I love how flaky it looks, and the fact that I can have one ALL to myself :)
Oh my gosh, was a GREAT idea!!! I LOVE the little individual sizes!! TOO cute!
These look so pretty and sound so delicious!
Those savory galettes look delish! I have to pick up some ramekins to make these individual dishes this winter.
Making my Presto Pasta dish today :)
i would've made room for sun-dried tomatoes! these look wonderful, and even though i prefer my pasty sweet, i wouldn't turn these beauts away. :)
Gee Adam - I'm glad you liked them - wish I could even take some of the credit but alas this one is all about Psychgrad :)
What gorgeous little pies! Yum!
I'm going to have to participate in your Pasta Night roundup. We have enough of it on the menu this week, that's for sure!
Cool idea for a meal. Savory pie is something I've never done, love the individual portion idea.
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so cute!
These look yummy!
I love this entry for Ivy's event:D
Delicious looking galettes... I need to find larger ramekins - mine are small, perfect for a first course. Wonderful idea for using up leftover bits...
Love these - the fact that they are relatively free form appeals to me because I have been having pastry shrinkage nightmares lately.
These look great - I love individual size pies!!
ps. I've updated my PPN entry now! Cheers!
I can't believe I never thought of doing that! They look delicious, and easy, too. Weekends are perfect for catching up on cooking, and then you get to enjoy great food all week!
These are so cute! And the filling ingredients are right up my alley. Plus, anything in puff pastry tastes good, doesn't it? Yum.
mmm... how do you think a mushroom galette would turn out? shoot, now i'm hungry! thanks for the award but you deserve it much more than i do.
Now those look fantastic!
Congratulations on the Award you so deserve this!!
WOW your mini galettes are stunning!!
Rosie x
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