In the next little while, we'll be annoucing some exciting details for our upcoming event. Expect a couple of twists and turns. We're taking Tried, Tested and True to the next level.
Now...for our third installment of of She Said - She Said...For the first two installments, click here and here.
The writing in black is Giz's and the writing in red is Psychgrad's.
Don't get me wrong - I'm all into cute but why do I feel like I'm doing a remake of Chuckie ?
I was adament that I would not be making a clown. I have no need for clowns and am not particularly into making them. This picture of me at 2 years of age provides some insight into the underlying reasons for my current clown issues (courtesy of Giz handing me to It's cousin while on a family trip to Hawaii).
But, when Giz gave me three free clown heads, I gave in and made my first, second and last clown ever:
I also made some basic cupcakes for my neighbour and a cupcake for my and R's 7th anniversary. I'll post more about the meal we had in an upcoming post. It was really good.
Today's class focused more around technique and consistencies.
I'm getting that it's all about practise - practise creating the right consistency for your icing, practising correct techniques in creating an even flow for design, practising how much pressure to apply to your decorator bag as you dispense the icing...
Lidia shows us how to achieve correct positioning, correct pressure - she does make it look rather easy .. until the bag gets in your hand.
In our class everyone made the clown cake. We could have done the muffins as an option but since I had already baked all of the cakes I would need for Session 1, I just went with the group.
In my class, everyone made cupcakes. I really recommend it so that you can practice different techniques on different cupcakes.
One of the girls made a multiple personality clown - one head - several bodies - now I'm having nightmares that just feed into the whole Chuckie thing.
I was really trying to finish up my cake so got pretty impatient towards the end and just wanted to get it done. The whole class is only 2 hours and I'm sure if I made 100 clown cakes I could knock them off in about 10 minutes each but for now 2 hours just barely covers it.
We still have some awards to pass on, but we'll save that for a future post.

You know I took the Wilton classes. Actually there was a lot of interesting techniques packed into that clown lesson. I liked to make the clown sit in diffrent positions. The heads still sit in my tool box. Lord only knows what I'll do with them .
Things are coming along in the cake decorating classes ladies:D
I seriously admire you both for learning all this. I've never even baked! Dough/baking is my other hurdle to get over (now that I feel okay about fish).
I took the Wilton cake decorating classes and loved them... if nothing else, it taught me how difficult and time consuming decorating a cake can be! Your clowns look great ;)
Love that last picture! SO cute :), especially the pink clown. No wonder Psychgrad has clown issues, I got scared too looking at that old photo :(.
Yay, Yay for TT&T2!
I love the decorating - it looks like such fun... but have to confess to being slightly uneasy with clowns too... ;)
i'm not a fan of clowns in costume. class clowns, yes. clowning around, definitely. grown men with painted faces, not so much.
that being said, i don't mind clowns made of sugar, especially when they have their legs crossed like the pink guy at the bottom. too cute! :)
Not only are your cakes super cute, but this post is hilarious! I LOVE the picture of you crying. That probably translates wrong... lol.
ps - buck up and cook lamb already! lol.
Every thing looks so adorable with those little clowns. Great job, looks like fun !!
What a great post folks and just enjoying reading about your cake classes and wonderful pics too!!
Ooooh can't wait to hear more on the tried and true 2 :)
Rosie x
I'd love to take a cake decorating class. It looks like you're getting lots of good practice. Snaps to you for confronting your clown issues!
You guys are doing great! I really need to find some classes around here, even if just for basic techniques.
Can't wait to hear more on TTT2!
Wow!!! You guys are doing really well!!! The clowns look good but I'm with Psychgrad on them being creepy... real life clowns just freak me out.
I'm so glad you are doing the event again!
I really need to take one of those classes - I'm so horrible at cake decorating!
You are right - clowns are a bit creepy, but you two make them adorable again.
xoxox Amy
Those clowns look really good. Great job!
I think my favorite clown is the pink one with the crossed legs. He looks like all he needs is some book and he'll look like an academic. :) I'm looking forward to hearing about your changing perceptions towards cake decorating. Those are some awfully fine motor skills and an awful lot of love, care, and attention. Giz, what did you do with your clown cake when you were done. And Psychgrad, 7th anniversary!! Woah! I'm hoping for a romantic story in your next post ;)
Those cakes look great!
Wow, it takes talent to do this.
This is one class I definitely need to take! The clowns are so cute!
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