Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She Said - She Said - Cake Decorating Class 4

With all of the excitement of Tried Tested and True Two, our last installment of "She Said-She Said" has been delayed by a couple of weeks. But, we saved the best for last (you can catch up on the first three weeks here, here and here.

Giz wrote the portions in red
Psychgrad wrote the portion in purple

Course I is done - we survived without cuts and bruises. We even have the certificates to prove it.

Note to self: In the future, try to avoid dropping your Wilton rose on course certificate (the yellow thing is the perfect rose I made and subsequently dropped on my certificate about 10 seconds after receiving it).

The prep for the 4th and final class of session 1 felt pretty intense. With cake, several piping bags filled with a variety of different coloured icing in different consistencies and topped with different tips, off I went for the climactic challenge of "the final cake".

I learned that making roses that look like roses is a bit of an art. It's also once again, all about consistency - the icing and how you apply pressure to the decorating bag. Early on in the class there was some rather colourful language coming from an otherwise dignified women. If you've been following the series, you know about "annoying woman" who today, true to form, threw a little hissy fit because she just couldn't get it. We tried to reassure her it was all fun and eventually we'd all get it but nooooo...she was beside herself - had to be perfect. I asked her if she was going for an interview at a bakery right from class that she was so hard on herself. At the end of it all, she chose not to register for the next session. Stay tuned for that one.

Then we practised creating a different style of flower

and then the leaves

The beauty of learning how to make leaves properly is that it's possible to hide nearly all sins with leaves.

And then time started running short so it was a race to get the whole thing finished before the class was over.

I ended up staying an extra hour to finish my cake

Here are some of my classmates' cakes, at various stages:

And here's my final cake. I was happy with it, except for some of my icing being too soft (the bow is not supposed to look flat).

Here's Giz's cake:

Overall, I am happy that I took the course. I don't plan to take the second course in the near future, but would like to continue to learn cake decorating techniques. StumbleUpon


Anonymous said...

I am so jealous. This looks so fun!

Love the purple flowers!

Chef Jeena said...

I think this is brilliant, you are so good at it.

Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

Congrats on the certificate! Your cakes are beautiful!

glamah16 said...

Beautiful girls! I miss my Witlon classes. Maybe one day when I have time I might take a maste class at the actual Wilton school here. They have some great ones.

Lore said...

Congrats you guys! And the rose looks good on the certificate :D

Nic said...

Well done, the cakes are gorgeous!

Laura Paterson said...

I don't usually bake cakes - never mind decorate - but this looks like it was loads of fun!

Well done guys :)

grace said...

ya'll are doing so well! i'm envious and impressed at the same time. if i had your mad skills, i'd be making and decorating cakes left and right. :)

Núria said...

What a spread!!!! So beautiful! These classes must be so much fun :D

Congratulations for the certificate!

Sue, the Cake Mom said...

Beautiful job! Just found your blog and I LOVE that you're doing this together as a mom and daughter project. I'm going to send my readers here for inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Your roses are really beautiful!

You know... I almost never use any of the techniques I learned back in my cake finishing days. I'm glad I learned them, of course, and very happy I can pipe out pretty shells and other frou frous, but over time I've really abandoned the icing flowers in favor of letting the cake speak for itself.

What do you think you'll use most of the skills you've learned?

giz said...

Ann - as you say - probably won't be sitting making individual labour intensive flowers very often but the piping and creating the different designs is a fun skill to have that takes something from ordinary to special.

Nilmandra said...

How pretty! I'm really impressed!

That Girl said...

It's hard to believe roses are hard to make when yours came out so beautifully

Elle said...

Congratulations! All of the cakes look wonderful!

test it comm said...

Those flowers are amazing!! Great job!

Dharm said...

Wow Giz! Your cake decorating is lovely! I've always wanted to decorate like that but always keep it really simple (meaning I'm lazy and no where near as skilful!) This is just fantastic!

PG said...

That girl - actually..we're amazingly talented... Ok, maybe not. It's just technique and getting the right icing consistency. Once you've got both down, they're pretty easy.

Cakelaw said...

Congrats to both of you - your decorating skills are magnificent!!!

Lori said...

Great job Giz- I love the purple flowers, they look kind of periwinkle on my computer.

I have been wanting to take a cake decorating class for forever. Maybe I will end up doing it next winter!

Ruth Strong said...

Wow!!! I'm well impressed!!!! You guys must have learnt loads in 4 classes!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Wow Wow!!!

So talented.

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